Viewing SDF SuiteApp Upgrades

You can view information about the managed SuiteApp upgrades that are currently in progress. The status of each Push Upgrade operation is available, as well as the upgrade status of individual accounts.

To view SuiteApp upgrades:

  1. Go to Control Center > My SuiteApps > My SuiteApps. The My SuiteApps page appears.

  2. Perform one of the following actions:

    • For a SuiteApp, click SCC ellipsis button and select Manage Upgrades.

    • Click the SuiteApp name to view the SuiteApp details, and click the Upgrades tab.


    The Manage Upgrades action and Upgrades tab are only available for managed SuiteApps. For more information, see Developing Managed SuiteApps.

    Each row of the table represents a single SuiteApp version upgrade that was pushed to a selection of accounts. The following information appears for each upgrade:

    • Version – is the SuiteApp version being pushed to the accounts. The SuiteApp is upgraded to that version for each of the specified accounts.

    • Accounts – is the number of accounts receiving the SuiteApp upgrade. To view the details of the SuiteApp upgrade for individual accounts, click the number. The Upgrade page displays. For more information, see Upgrade Details for Each Account.

    • Errors – is the number of errors returned by the upgrade if any errors exist. To view the error details for the affected accounts, click the number. The Upgrade page displays details for each account. For information about the account upgrade details, see Upgrade Details for Each Account. For information about resolving errors, see Addressing SuiteApp Installation Failures.

    • Started – is the time the push operation initiated the upgrades.

    • Finished – is the time the last account finished the upgrade process. This field is empty if there are still accounts remaining in the upgrade queue.

    • Status – is the current status of the push operation. The following statuses are possible:

      • Complete – the push operation has completed for the select accounts. Although the push operation has completed, the SuiteApp upgrade for individual accounts might not have succeeded. To view errors for individual upgrades, see the Errors column.

      • Pending – the push operation has not yet started processing the SuiteApp upgrades for the selected accounts.

      • Installing – the installation is in progress to upgrade the SuiteApp for the selected accounts.

      • Error – the push operation returned an error. Click the number in the Accounts or Errors column to see the status of individual account upgrades.

      Detailed states for the SuiteApp upgrade can be viewed from the SuiteApp Version History and Installed SuiteApps pages. For more information, see Viewing SDF SuiteApp Installation Status.

    • Memo – is the memo text added by the release manager when the upgrade was pushed.

    • View Details – redirects to the Upgrade details page for the current push operation.

  3. (Optional) Click Done to close the SuiteApp details and return to the My SuiteApps page.

Upgrade Details for Each Account

The Upgrades page displays upgrade details for each account that the upgrade operation was performed on.

The following information is available for the upgrade operation:

  • Version – is the SuiteApp version that was pushed to the accounts. The accounts are being upgraded to that version.

  • Started – is the date and time the push operation initiated the upgrades.

  • Finished – is the time the last account finished the upgrade process. This field is empty if there are still accounts remaining in the upgrade queue.

  • Created By – is the release manager who performed the push operation to start the upgrade.

  • Memo – is the memo text added by the release manager when the upgrade was pushed.

The following information appears for each account:

  • Company Name – is the company name for the account that installed the SuiteApp.

  • Company ID – is the company ID for the account that installed the SuiteApp.

  • Status – is the current status of the SuiteApp upgrade for the account.

    • Complete – the push operation has completed for the select accounts. Although the push operation has completed, the SuiteApp upgrade for individual accounts might not have succeeded. To view errors for individual upgrades, see the Errors column.

    • Pending – the push operation has not yet started processing the SuiteApp upgrades for the selected accounts.

    • Installing – the installation is in progress to upgrade the SuiteApp for the selected accounts.

    • Error – the upgrade returned an error. To view the error, click the exclamation mark icon (SCC error icon). For information about resolving errors, see Addressing SuiteApp Installation Failures.

  • Started – is the time the SuiteApp upgrade started for the account.

  • Finished – is the time the SuiteApp upgrade finished for the account.

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