Viewing SDF SuiteApp Installation Status

The SuiteApp status can be viewed from the Install Base tab of the SuiteApp details. For information about viewing the install base, see Viewing the SDF SuiteApp Install Base.

The SuiteApp status displays the current state of the SuiteApp workflow after an install, upgrade, or uninstall has been initiated.

To view all the state transitions in SuiteApp workflow, see SuiteApp Workflow.

For definitions of each state in the workflow, see SuiteApp States.

The following topics provide information about installation, upgrade, and uninstall process:

SuiteApp Workflow

The following states are possible for a SuiteApp during the installation, upgrade, or uninstallation process:


SuiteApp States

The following table describes the states that are possible for a SuiteApp during the installation, upgrade, or uninstallation process:



Initialization Failed

Indicates an error has occurred preventing one of the following:

  • A SuiteApp installation or upgrade was requested, but the initialization failed prior to the validation step.

    For more information, see Addressing SuiteApp Installation Failures.

  • A SuiteApp uninstall was requested, but the initialization failed prior to starting the uninstall. For information about the failure, consult the Deployment Audit Trail page. Documentation for that page is available in the Deployment Logs for SuiteCloud Projects.

Installation Failed

The SuiteApp failed to install. Consult the installation log for more information. For information about the log, see Addressing SuiteApp Installation Failures.


The SuiteApp is successfully installed in the account.

From this state, a request can be made to upgrade or uninstall the SuiteApp.


The SuiteApp installation is currently in progress.

If the SuiteApp successfully installs, it advances to the Installed state.

If the SuiteApp fails to install, it moves to the Installation Failed state.


A request to install or upgrade the SuiteApp has been initiated but the installation has not yet started.

If the process is successfully initialized, the SuiteApp advances to the Validating state. If the initialization process fails, the SuiteApp moves to the Initialization Failed state.

Pending Uninstall

A request to uninstall the SuiteApp has been initiated but the uninstallation has not yet started.

If the process is successfully initialized, the SuiteApp advances to the Uninstalling state.

If the initialization process fails, the SuiteApp moves to the Initialization Failed state.


The SuiteApp uninstallation is currently in progress.

If the SuiteApp successfully uninstalls, it is removed from the Installed SuiteApps list.

If the SuiteApp fails to uninstall, it moves to the Uninstall Failed state.

Uninstall Failed

The SuiteApp failed to uninstall. Consult the Deployment Audit Trail page for more information. For information about the page, see Deployment Logs for SuiteCloud Projects.


The SuiteApp install or upgrade process was successfully initialized and the SuiteApp contents are being validated.

If the SuiteApp passes validation, it advances to the Installing state.

If the SuiteApp fails validation, it moves to the Validation Failed state.

Validation Failed

The SuiteApp has failed validation, and consequently did not proceed with the installation. The target account is unchanged. Consult the installation log for more information. For information about the log, see Addressing SuiteApp Installation Failures.


Indicates an error has occurred. To view the error, click the tooltip icon (Tooltip icon.).

Request Access

This SuiteApp is not shared with your account. Please contact the SuiteApp publisher for more info.

Not Compatible

The NetSuite version for your account does not meet the minimal required version for the SuiteApp version.

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