Mexico Electronic Invoicing Administrator Guide


To use the Mexico Electronic Invoicing feature, you must first install and configure the Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp, which provides the framework for generating electronic invoices and supports the e-document certification process. See Electronic Invoicing Administrator Guide.

The Mexico Localization SuiteApp includes default e-document packages, e-document templates, and e-document certification sending methods for using electronic invoicing in Mexico. For an overview of these components, see Mexico Electronic Invoicing Overview.

The administrator should first install the Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp, followed by installation of the Mexico Localization SuiteApp. By doing so, the localized packages, certification sending methods, and templates are added to the Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp and automatically installed for the user. You can view the installation status of these components on the Mexico Localization Components page. For more information, see Viewing Mexico Localization Component Installation Status.

To create new packages, templates, and sending methods, see Creating E-Document Packages, Creating E-Document Templates, and Creating E-Document Sending Methods.

The sending method for sending certified e-document files to the customer (XML and PDF) must be manually created. For more information, see Setting Up an Email Sending Method for E-Documents.

You can restrict the editing of transactions based on the E-document status selected on an outbound e-document template record. For more information, see Creating E-Document Templates.

After installing the Mexico Localization SuiteApp, the account administrator must configure the PAC credentials and other relevant settings. This is a one-time setup task to enable a PAC and store its credentials in NetSuite. Each PAC provides user credentials (for example, user name and password) to be used when invoking their test or production web services.

Setting Mexico PAC Configuration

The Mexico Localization SuiteApp includes a custom record for configuring credentials and other relevant settings to integrate NetSuite with Mexican PACs.


Only the Administrator, Accountant, and CFO roles have access to the Mexico PAC custom record. If you want to grant other roles access to the Mexico PAC custom record, you can create or customize a role and add custom record permissions to it. For instructions on customizing roles, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles. For more information about setting permissions for custom records, see Setting Permissions for Custom Records.

Follow these steps to configure credentials and other settings required for connecting NetSuite with the PACs delivered by the SuiteApp:

To set up Mexico PAC Configuration:

  1. Go to Setup > Mexico Localization > PAC Configuration

  2. In the Mexico PAC List, click the Edit link next to the PAC you want to configure.

  3. The E-Document Package Name field is populated with the e-document package associated to the PAC you are configuring.

  4. Check the Enable box to enable this PAC and make its corresponding templates and sending methods available on transactions.

  5. In the Tax ID field, enter the RFC of the PAC.

  6. Read the Important message carefully.

  7. Check the I Agree box to proceed.

  8. If you use a OneWorld account, select from the Subsidiary list the subsidiary or subsidiaries that you want to assign to this PAC. Make sure the subsidiaries you select are not currently assigned to another enabled PAC. Subsidiaries can be assigned to one enabled PAC only.

  9. In the Webservice URL field, enter the URL (test or production) that is used to integrate NetSuite with this PAC.

  10. The PAC Connector Plug–in Implementation field is populated with the plug-in implementation script file used to connect to this PAC.

  11. In the Username field, enter the user ID provided by the PAC. This ID identifies the user who integrates with the PAC.

  12. In the Password field, enter the password provided by the PAC (if any).

  13. From the PDF Default Language list, select a default language to apply to the default PDF templates.

  14. In the Invoice Serie field, enter the internal string used to identify the transaction.

  15. In the Invoice Prefix field, enter the letters or numbers that you have set up in the Prefix column of the Set Up Auto-Generated Numbers page (Setup> Company> Auto-Generated Numbers > Transaction Numbers subtab) for this type of transaction. If you have not enabled the “Show Transaction Numbering Setup” preference under Setup > Company > General Preferences, leave this field empty.

  16. In the Invoice Suffix field, enter the letters or numbers that you have set up in the Suffix of the Set Up Auto-Generated Numbers page (Setup> Company> Auto-Generated Numbers > Transaction Numbers subtab) for this type of transaction. If you have not enabled the Show Transaction Numbering Setup preference under Setup > Company > General Preferences, leave this field empty.

  17. From the Invoice PDF Template list, select a PDF template to use for this transaction.

  18. Repeat steps 14–17 for each transaction on the subtab.

  19. Click Save.


In accounts that are not OneWorld, only one PAC can be enabled at a time. To enable a different PAC, you must first disable the currently enabled one.

In OneWorld accounts, more than one PAC can be enabled simultaneously. In this case, each PAC must have unique subsidiaries assigned to it.

Be aware that the PAC functionality conforms to the Electronic Invoicing rules. Make sure to validate the configuration of the sending methods, templates, and PAC credentials.


To add a PAC that is not included with the SuiteApp, further development may be required. After a new PAC has been added to NetSuite, you need to create and apply the e-document package, templates, sending methods, and other settings. For information about setting up Electronic Invoicing, see Electronic Invoicing Administrator Guide.

For information about how to deploy a script to generate e-documents in bulk, see Deploying the Bulk Generation Script for E-Documents.

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