Deploying the Bulk Generation Script for E-Documents

The Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp enables an administrator to deploy a script to generate multiple e-documents at a specific time, instead of generating e-documents for each transaction manually.

By default, the script’s status is set to Not Scheduled. The administrator can set a schedule for the script to generate e-documents in bulk.


Only an administrator can view, edit, and run the Generate E-Document Content script included in the SuiteApp.

For bulk processing using the MR script, the first active administrator gets automatically selected as the owner.

The script generates e-documents for transactions that have the following e-document statuses:

After the system generates e-documents, it updates the value in the E-Document Status field on the E-Document subtab of each transaction record. The field shows one of the following values:


If e-document generation fails, NetSuite does not send an email notification to the administrator. Instead, it sends an email notification containing the error details to the user who created the transaction record. The user must fix the errors before an e-document can be regenerated for the transaction record.

For more information about generation errors, see Outbound E-Document Generation Errors.

See also Generating and Regenerating E-Documents in Bulk.

To deploy the bulk generation script for e-documents:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.

  2. Click the Edit link of the Generate E-Document Content MR script.

  3. Clear the Deployed box if you do not want to deploy the script yet. A script will not run in NetSuite until the Deployed box is selected.

  4. Select a status in the Status field:

    • Testing

    • Not Scheduled

    • Scheduled

    For more information, see Setting Script Deployment Status.

  5. Choose an event type on the Schedule subtab:

    • Single event – The script generates e-documents only one time.

    • Daily event – Enter the interval between days if this event is every day or every few days, or select every weekday if this event is every day except Saturdays and Sundays.

      Enter 1 as the interval if this event is every day, for example, or enter 2 if the event is every other day.

    • Weekly event – Enter the interval between weeks, and select the day of the week this event repeats on.

    • Monthly Event – If you want to generate e-documents on the same day of every month or every few months, enter the date the generation of e-documents repeats, and select the interval between months.

      If you want to generate e-documents on the same day of the week every month or every few months, select the week, the day of the week, and enter the interval between months.

    • Yearly Event – If you want to generate e-documents one time every year, select the month and day to generate e-documents, or select the week, day, and month.

    • Start Date – You must enter the date you want to schedule the generation of e-documents for.

    • Start Time – Enter the time you want the generation of e-documents to start.

    • Repeat – Select how often you want the script to generate e-documents. On the day the script is scheduled to run, e-documents are generated at the specified Start Time and repeat every n hours until midnight.

    • End By – Set the date the script stops generating e-documents.

      If you are scheduling a single event, e-documents will be generated on the date entered in the Start Date field.

      If you are scheduling a repeat event, e-documents will be generated according to the schedule you set starting on the date entered in the Start Date field and ending on the date entered in the End By field.

    • No End Date – Check this box if you want to repeat the schedule indefinitely.

  6. Click Save and Execute to generate e-documents immediately. Click Save to generate e-documents according to the schedule you chose.

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