Customizing Roles to Restrict E-Document Generation or Sending

By default, the Generate E-Document and Send E-Document buttons are visible on all outbound transaction types that E-Invoicing SuiteApp supports, regardless of the level of permission the user has on the transaction record.

The administrator can customize standard and custom roles to restrict their permission to manually generate and send outbound e-documents.

To restrict the permission of standard and custom roles to generate and send outbound e-documents:

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > User Management > Manage Roles.

  2. Click the Customise or Edit link of the role that you want to restrict permission to generate or send outbound e-documents.

  3. Clear the Allow Manual Generation of E-Document box or Allow Manual Sending of E-Document box.

  4. If you want to allow this role to send e-documents for certification, check the Allow Sending of E-Document for Certification box; otherwise, clear the box.

  5. Click Save.

    The Generate E-Document button or Send E-Document button will not be available on transaction records viewed by role. If you did not grant the role permission to send e-documents for certification, the Certify E-document button will not be available on transactions viewed by role.

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