Installing Customer Lifetime Value

To install the Customer Lifetime Value SuiteApp:

  1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles.

  2. On the Search & Install Bundles page, use the following information to search for the SuiteApp:

    • Bundle Name: Customer Lifetime Value

    • Bundle ID: 254383

  3. Click Customer Lifetime Value to display its Bundle Details page.

    For more information, see Bundle Details.

  4. Click Install.

    If asked, allow NetSuite to automatically upgrade the SuiteApp when new updates become available. During the installation, click Refresh to get the latest status.

When this SuiteApp is installed, the Customer Lifetime Value field becomes visible in the customer record. This field is initially blank until you schedule or manually run the Customer Lifetime Value Setter script. For more information, see Customer Lifetime Value Setter Script.

The following table lists the minimum permission level required to view the Customer Lifetime Value field.


Minimum Permission Level



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