Setting Language Preferences

NetSuite supports multiple languages which enables you to display Advanced Manufacturing in your preferred language.

To enable multiple languages:

  1. An administrator must go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features.

  2. On the Company subtab, in the International pane, check the Multi-Language box.

  3. Click Save.

To select your language preference:

  1. From your NetSuite dashboard, go to Home > Set Preferences.

  2. On the General subtab, in the Localization section, select a Language.

  3. (Optional) Select a Language of the Help Center.


    To correctly display time for Turkish (Türkçe) in the Advanced Manufacturing tablet, in the Formatting section set the Time Format to hh:mm (24 hours).

  4. Click Save.

    This preference does not affect others with access to your account. For the best results when viewing translated NetSuite pages, set your browser to view UTF-8 encoded pages.

    In Firefox, go to Tools > Options. IN the General options, click Languages. In the Default Character Encoding field, select Unicode (UTF-8).

For more information, see Choosing a Language for Your NetSuite User Interface

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