CMS Page Type Record

The CMS Page Type record gives you access to the NetSuite records for Site Management Tools page types. The CMS Page Type record gives you access to only the page type, not to the SMT content associated with that page type. A new page type record is also created when a user registers an extension.

You create a new CMS Page using your desired CMS Page Type, then add any desired SMT content to your new page.

The 19.1 release has one standard page type, landing page, that you cannot delete.

You can set the following CMS Page Type Record attributes in NetSuite:


The page name is an internal identifier for the page. This name is not displayed to the visitor on the website, but it does identify the page in NetSuite and in SMT. This field is also populated when an extension is registered.

Display Name

The display name is the external identifier for the page. This the name displays on the dropdown list when the creating a new page. This field is also populated when an extension is registered.


This is a user defined description of the page type.

Base URL Path

The base URL path lets you customize the URL for all the pages of that type. For example, if you a have a page type of blog and a base URL path of blog, all blog pages are accessed by[page url].

Custom Record Type

This lets you create a Custom Content Type (CCT) and associate with a page type. You create the new CCT and choose your customizations, this can be fields, Javascript code, CSS elements, and other custom module resource. This must be implemented through SuiteCommerce extensions or SCA.

CMS Creatable

When CMS Creatable is set to yes, then the page type is available on the page type list when creating a new page.

When CMS Creatable is set to No, then the page type is not available as an available type when creating a new page.


When a page type is checked Inactive, it cannot be used to create a new page. Existing pages using this page type continue to work. Inactive page types remain visible in SMT for use in sorting and filtering operations.

Domain Data Subtab

  • Domain — Use the dropdown list to select the domain you want to associate with this page type.

  • Template — Type the exact name of the template file you want to associate to this page type. This field is case sensitive.

Add a new CMS Page Type Record

The CMS Page Type record lets you create a new page type.

The CMS Page Type record enables you to only create the page type. You must then create a new page in SMT using the new page type. After you create a new page with the desired CMS Page Type, you can add content using SMT.

To add a CMS Page Type Record:

  1. Go to Commerce > Content Management > Content > CMS Page Types > New.

  2. Enter the following information.

    • Name — Enter a name to identify this page in NetSuite. The name is not displayed to website visitors and only identifies the record in NetSuite. This field is also populated when an extension is registered.

    • Display Name — This is used to indicate the page type to the SMT administrator. This field is also populated when an extension is registered.

    • Description — This is a user-defined description of the page type.

    • Base URL Path — The base URL path lets you customize the URL for all the pages of that type. For example, if you a have a page type of blog and a base URL path of blog, all blog pages are accessed by[page url].

    • Custom Record Type — This lets you create a Custom Content Type and associate with a page type. You create the new CCT and choose your customizations. These can be fields, Javascript code, CSS elements, and other custom module resource. This must be implemented through SuiteCommerce extensions or SCA.

    • CMS Creatable — Select Yes if the SMT administrator can create pages of this type. Select No if the SMT administrator cannot create pages of this type.

    • Inactive — Check the Inactive box to prevent users from creating pages of this type. Any existing pages of this type continue to display on the site.

  3. Click Save.

Edit a CMS Page Type Record

The CMS Page Type record lets you edit an existing CMS Page Type. You can edit the attributes of your page type, but not any of the content on any page associated with the page type.

To edit a CMS Page Type Record:

  1. Go to Commerce > Content Management > Content > CMS Page Types.

  2. Click Edit next to the page type link.

  3. Make your changes.

  4. Click Save.

Delete a CMS Page Type Record

You can only delete a CMS Page Type record if no pages of that type exist. If you want to delete a CMS Page Type record from your NetSuite account, you must first delete all CMS Page records associated with that page type.

To delete a CMS Page Type record:

  1. Go to Commerce > Content Management > Content > CMS Page Types.

  2. Click Edit next to the page type link.

  3. Point to the Actions menu and select Delete from the dropdown list.

  4. When asked if you are sure you want to delete the record, click OK.

Page Types Domain Level Data

This information refers to SuiteCommerce or the 2019.2 release of SuiteCommerce Advanced or later.

Along with creating different page types, you can also create and assign page types to a specific domain in your account. This lets you apply page types at the domain level. Only one entry is allowed for a specific page type and domain combination. This means you can only have one page type named blog attached to one domain. If you want to attach multiple blog page types to a single domain you must use a different name for each blog page type associated with that domain. This It can be as simple as naming different page types, blog1, blog2, blog3, etc.

To associate a Page Type to a Domain:

  1. Go to Commerce > Content Management > Content > CMS Page Types.

  2. Choose the page type you want to associate to a specific domain and click Edit.

  3. Under Domain Data, choose the domain in the dropdown list you want to assign the page type to.

  4. In the Template field, enter the exact name of the template you want to assign. This field is case sensitive.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Click Save.

  7. This page type is now associated with the specific domain.

To remove a Page Type association to a Domain:

  1. Go to Commerce > Content Management > Content > CMS Page Types.

  2. Choose the page type you want to disassociate from a specific domain and click Edit.

  3. Under Domain Data, choose the domain and template to want to remove.

  4. Click Remove to delete the association between the page type and the domain.

  5. Click Save.

  6. This page type is no longer associated with the specific domain.

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