Configuring E-Way Bill

Set E-Way Bill Threshold

Set up a threshold rule that will help identify which transactions are valid for E-Way Bill generation.

To set E-Way Bill Threshold for E-Way Bill generation:

  1. Go to Setup > India Localization > Configuration.

  2. Click the E-Way Bill subtab.

  3. In the E–Way Bill Threshold section, select your preferred threshold basis:

    • Invoice Total Value – Choose this option if you want to use the sum of GST tax basis and GST tax amount as the E-Way Bill generation threshold, regardless of its tax basis status (normal or exempted).

    • Taxable Value – Choose this option if you want to use GST normal rate tax basis as the E-Way Bill threshold.

    • Taxable and Exempted Value – Choose this option if you want to use GST tax basis as the E-Way Bill threshold, regardless of its tax basis status (normal or exempted).

  4. In the Threshold Amount field, enter the amount threshold. The amount must be based on your account's base currency.

  5. In the Classification of Supply field, select where the threshold is classified.

  6. Enter effective period for this E-Way Bill threshold in the Effective From and Valid Until fields.

  7. Click Save.

Configure Customer and Vendor Record for E-Way Bill

Configure customer or vendor record under India subsidiary for E-Way Bill generation. The entity’s default address must have a valid State and PIN value for E-Way Bill details to be properly validated.

To configure a customer or vendor record for E-Way Bill:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Customer or Vendor.

  2. Click the Edit link next to the customer or vendor record.

  3. Click the Financials subtab.

  4. Edit your default shipping or billing address.

  5. In the State field, select a valid state value. If entity’s Registration Type is set to Overseas, select Other Countries.

  6. In the PIN field, enter the 6-digit numeric PIN code for your default address. If entity’s Registration Type is set to Overseas, enter PIN as 999999.

  7. Click Save.

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