Creating Order Guides

You can create an order guide from a customer record or create an order guide template that you can assign to multiple customers. Order guides created from a customer record cannot be assigned to other customers. An order guide template can be created per subsidiary. Using the template, you can generate and assign separate order guides to multiple customers of the subsidiary.

Best Practices for Creating Order Guides

The following are the best practices for order guides:

Creating Order Guide from a Customer Record

You can create an order guide from a customer record.

To create an order guide from a customer record:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Customers.

  2. From the list of customers, click View for the customer you want to assign to the order guide.

  3. On the Customer page, click Create Order Guide.

  4. On the Order Guide page, in the Order Guide Name field, enter a unique name for the order guide.

  5. From the Subsidiary list, select the subsidiary that you want to associate with this order guide.

  6. (Optional) To mark this order guide as a preferred order guide, check the Preferred box.


    On a transaction, items of a preferred order guide are preloaded when you open the Order Guide Entry popup window. For more information, see Using Order Guides on Transactions.

  7. (Optional), To mark this order guide as historical order guide for the customer, check the Historical box.

  8. Add items to the order guide by doing either or both of the following:

    • From the Add Items from Saved Search list, select an item saved search to retrieve multiple items.

      If you select another item saved search, the retrieved items are appended to the list.

      The order guide is saved and opened in edit mode and the items display in the sublist.

      If any items do not match the items filtering criteria, those items are excluded from the order guide. You can view the list of excluded items by clicking the link in the banner message.


      If you are using expressions in the saved search, make sure you enclose the entire expression within parentheses. Else, you may get incorrect saved search results.

    • On the Items subtab, in the Item Code field, select the item from the list, and then click Add.


      You can add duplicate items to the order guide. However, in the Order Guide Entry popup window of the sales order, the list is filtered to show only unique items.

  9. (Optional) To set a default item quantity for the customer, enter a value in the Quantity field.

  10. Click Save.

    On a customer record, you can view the list of order guides on the Order Guides subtab.

Creating an Order Guide Template

You can create an order guide template that you can assign to multiple customers.

To create an order guide template:

  1. Go to Order Guide > Order Guide Templates > Order Guide Templates > New.

  2. On the Order Guide Template page, in the Order Guide Template Name field, enter a unique name for the order guide template.

  3. From the Subsidiary list, select the subsidiary that you want to associate with this order guide template.

  4. To add items to the order guide, do either or both of the following:

    • From the Add Items from Saved Search list, select an item saved search to retrieve multiple items.

      If you select another item saved search, the retrieved items are appended to the list.

      The order guide is saved and opened in edit mode and the items display in the sublist.

      If any items do not match the items filtering criteria, those items are excluded from the order guide. You can view the list of excluded items by clicking the link in the banner message.


      If you are using expressions in the saved search, make sure you enclose the entire expression within parentheses. Else, you may get incorrect saved search results.

    • On the Items subtab, in the Item Code field, select the item from the list, and then click Add.

    To review the conditions for items that you can add to order guides, see Order Guides.


    You can add duplicate items to the order guide template. However, in the Order Guide Entry popup window of the sales order, the list is filtered to show only unique items.

  5. (Optional) To set a default item quantity for the customer, enter a value in the Quantity field.

  6. Click Save.

Creating Order Guides from Order Guide Template

After creating the order guide template, you can create order guides from the template and assign them to multiple customers of the subsidiary.

For templates assigned to multiple customers, separate order guides are generated for each customer. In such case, the order guide’s internal ID is appended to the name of each customer’s order guide. To view the generated order guide, go to the Order Guide subtab on the customer’s record.

By default, these order guides are linked to the order guide template. Any changes made to the template can be propagated to the linked order guides. For information about updating order guides, see Updating Order Guides.

To create order guides from order guide template:

  1. Go to Order Guide > Order Guide Templates > Order Guide Templates.

  2. Click the View link beside the order guide template from which you want to create order guides.

  3. Click the Create Order Guides button.

  4. In the Create Order Guides from Template window, select the saved search from the List Customers from Saved Search list.

    If you select another customer saved search, the retrieved customers are appended to the list.


    To change the selection of customers, press Shift or Ctrl and from the Customers list box change the customer selection.

  5. Click OK.

    A banner in the Order Guides Template page displays the status of the order guide creation. Click the Refresh button in the banner to update the completion status. When the order guides creation is completed, you see a confirmation message in the banner. If some items do not match the items filtering criteria, the items are excluded from the order guides. You can view the list of excluded items by clicking the link in the banner message.


    If you try creating another order guide for a customer from the same order guide template, the SuiteApp creates a duplicate order guide. However, if you want to update an existing order guide created from an order guide template, you must update the linked order guides. For more information, read Updating Linked Order Guides.

Creating Order Guides and Order Guide Templates Using CSV Import

You can create order guides and order guide templates using the standard CSV Import feature. When using the CSV import, note the following:

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General Notices