Items Filtering Criteria

Items can be added to order guides only if they satisfy certain criteria. This section lists the required criteria during each transaction.

In the Order Guide Template page, you can add only the items that satisfy the following criteria:

When creating an order guide for a customer from the Create Order Guide page, you can add only the items that satisfy the following criteria:

When creating an order guide for a customer from the Order Guide Template page, you can add only the items that satisfy the following criteria:

In the Order Guide Entry popup window, you can add only the items that satisfy the following criteria to the transaction:


Do not remove the base price of an item after adding the item to the order guide. Else, you will not be able to add the item to the sales order from the Order Guide Entry page.

In the Order Guide Entry popup window, the current price for an item is not shown in the following cases:

Related Topics:

General Notices