Netting Statement List

There are several ways that you can access the Netting Statement list page. You can click List in the top right corner of the Balance Overview and Netting Statement pages. You can also go to Transactions > Financial > IC Netting > List.


Newly enabled feature menu items are not automatically added to custom centers. You must manually add menu items to custom centers after a feature is enabled.

The Netting Statement list page provides the netting statement date and number, status, the subsidiary-subsidiary-currency group, netted amount, and currency.

Use the filters to reduce the nettings transactions list. Use column sorting to view data in an order other than the default order. For information about filters and sorting, see Best Practices for Using Intercompany Netting.

The links in the Netting Statement column open the respective netting statement where you can view the details associated with the netting statement.


The field values on the Netting Statement list page are available to SuiteAnalytics Workbook and the Transaction saved search. For information about SuiteAnalytics Workbook, see SuiteAnalytics Workbook Overview. For information about saved searches, see Defining a Saved Search.

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