Country-Specific Documentation Summary

NetSuite has localized features for business needs that are specific to some countries. These country-specific features help your company adapt to business practices and comply with business regulations or requirements in the countries that you are operating in.

Country-Specific Topics

As part of its global offerings, NetSuite provides solutions for a growing number of countries. For many of them, help can be found under the Overview of Country-Specific Features. This section includes an overview of features and SuiteApps for individual countries, best practices for account setups, and country-specific information related to taxes and payment formats.

For countries that currently have no separate country-specific help topic (yet they do have their own specific features supported by NetSuite), see General International Tax Topics or Setting Up Payment File Formats.

Country-Specific Tax Topics

In a global business, taxation is an area with both general international topics and country-specific requirements. For some countries, country-specific tax help topics have already been moved to Overview of Country-Specific Features. For countries that do not have their separate country-specific help topic yet, see General International Tax Topics. This section contains an introduction to general tax topics and links to those that are country-specific.

Country-Specific Payment File Formats

The Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp provides payment file formats for payments, receivables, and Positive Pay transactions. For some countries, country-specific payment formats help topics have already been moved to Overview of Country-Specific Features. For countries that do not have their separate country-specific help topic yet, see Setting Up Payment File Formats.

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