Creating Custom Wave Forms

When you customize the Wave form, you can assign your own custom advanced print template for generating pick tickets. You can also set your custom form as the preferred form for creating wave transactions.

To create custom wave forms:

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.

  2. From the Custom Transaction Forms list, click Customize next to the Wave form.

  3. On the Custom Transaction Form page, enter the values in the following fields:

  4. If you want to set the custom form as the default form for wave transactions, check the Form is Preferred box.

  5. If you want to assign a custom advanced template for pick tickets, do the following:

    • In the Printing Type field, choose Advanced.

    • In the Print Template field, select your custom advanced template.

    • In the Email Template field, select your custom advanced template.

    For more information about custom templates for pick tickets, see Creating Custom Advanced Templates for Pick Tickets.

  6. Click Save.

You can use your custom wave form on saved wave transactions, which you can access by going to Transactions > Inventory > Release Orders to Warehouse > List. For more information, Updating Waves and Handling Wave Issues.

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