Advanced Employee Permissions for Employee Change Requests

Before you use the Employee Change Requests feature, you must assign Advanced Employee Permissions to employees’ roles. Requesters and approvers must have the correct Advanced Employee Permissions assigned to their role to successfully create, view, approve, and apply employee change requests. Human Resources Generalist, Chief People Office, and Administrator roles all have Employee Change Request permissions by default.


Each requester and approver must have permission to view the fields in an employee change request. If you do not have permission to view a field, you cannot view the employee change request. The final approver must have permission to edit the fields in an employee change request to apply the requested changes. For more information, see Advanced Employee Permissions Overview.

For example, for a manager to create an employee change request to promote a direct report, their role must have permission to:


If you want requesters to create employee change requests from the Employee Center, you must enable the Employee Dashboard Publishing feature. Alternatively, requesters can create employee change requests from employee records if their role has the Employee Record permission access level at View, Edit, or Full. Requesters must also have the Advanced Employee Permissions at some access level.

For more information about the Advanced Employee Permissions feature, see Advanced Employee Permissions. For more information about how to set up specific employees using Advanced Employee Permissions, see Advanced Employee Permissions Use Cases.

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