Subsidiary Settings

Some subsidiary-specific features require additional setup before you can use them. The Subsidiary Settings Manager page enables you to manage these subsidiary-specific features that require additional setup. After you enable a subsidiary-specific feature on the Enable Features page, that feature is available on the Subsidiary Settings Manager page.

From the Subsidiary Settings Manager page, you can access the Subsidiary Settings page for a specific subsidiary. On this page you can enable subsidiary-specific features and define their additional settings for this subsidiary. For information about using the Subsidiary Settings Manager page and its Subsidiary Settings pages, see Subsidiary Settings Manager.

The internal ID for this record is subsidiarysettings.

See the SuiteScript Records Browser for all internal IDs associated with this record.


For information about using the SuiteScript Records Browser, see Working with the SuiteScript Records Browser in the NetSuite Help Center.

Supported Script Types

The Subsidiary Settings record is scriptable in server SuiteScript.

All server script types are supported.

Supported Operations

The Subsidiary Settings record can be read, updated, and searched using SuiteScript. However, searching is available only through SuiteAnalytics Workbook by searching for the Subsidiary Settings record type. For information about SuiteAnalytics Workbook, see SuiteAnalytics Workbook Overview.

The System Notes subtab on the Subsidiary Settings record is search-only. For information about the System Note record, see System Note.

Usage Notes

Your user role must have the Subsidiary Settings Manager edit permission to use the Subsidiary Settings record. For information about this permission, see Subsidiary Settings Manager Permissions.


The Subsidiary Settings page has a one-to-one relationship with its subsidiary record. When you create a subsidiary, NetSuite creates a Subsidiary Settings page for that subsidiary. When you delete a subsidiary, NetSuite deletes its corresponding Subsidiary Settings page.

The Subsidiary Settings record has the same Internal ID and External ID as its corresponding subsidiary record. For information about the Subsidiary record, see Subsidiary.

Code Sample

The following sample shows how to enable the Period End Journal Entries feature for a specific subsidiary.

          var parentSubsidiarySettings = record.load({
    type: 'subsidiarysettings',
    id: 1

// Enable the Period End Journal Entries feature
    fieldId: 'allowperiodendjournalentries',
    value: true

// Set some settings for the feature
     fieldId: 'createbscloseandopenjournals',
     value: true
     fieldId: 'balancesheetopeningaccount',
     value: 45
     fieldId: 'balancesheetclosingaccount',
    value: 46

var recId =; 


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