Viewing HR Dashboard Components Saved Searches

HR Dashboard Components provides saved searches of relevant HR metrics that you can set up to display in dashboard portlets.

Default HR Dashboard Components Saved Searches

By default, these saved searches are available to the default roles with access to HR Dashboard Components. If you want to allow custom roles to access these saved searches, see Customizing HR Saved Searches for Custom Roles.

Saved Search Title

Saved Search ID


Diversity Report


Shows active employees in each gender and ethnicity.

Expiring Driver's License


Shows employees whose driver's licenses are expiring for the month.

Expiring Passports


Shows employees whose passports are expiring for the month.

Expiring Work Visas


Shows employees whose work visas are expiring for the month.

To set up the default saved searches to appropriate portlets, see Adding Data from HR Saved Searches to Portlets.

HR Dashboard Components Saved Searches for Custom Scorecard KPIs

The following table illustrates the saved searches included in the scorecard configuration.

Saved Search Title

Saved Search ID


First Year Voluntary Terminations


Shows list of employees who voluntarily left and worked for fewer than 365 days.

90-Day Terminations


Shows list of employees who voluntarily left and worked for fewer than 90 days.

New Hires


Shows a list of newly hired employees.

Terminated Female Employees


Shows a list of terminated employees who are female.

Terminated Male Employees


Shows a list of terminated employees who are male.



Shows a list of terminated employees.

Total Active Female Employees


Shows a list of active female employees.

Total Active Male Employees


Shows a list of active male employees.

Total Active Employees


Shows list of active employees according to subsidiary. Active employees are employees whose records show the following:

  • The hire date is on or before the present date.

  • The termination date is empty, or it is after the present date.

Employees whose records show a hire date that is later than the termination date are rehired employees. They are also considered active.

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