Customize your Workbook

In the Commerce Search Analytics workbooks, a pivot table exists for each site configured in your NetSuite account. The timeline criteria used to filter the workbook source data, which is Start Time is 2 days ago, is the same in each of these pivot tables. You can change the timeline to a wider date range as described here.

To change the criteria filter to retrieve data for the past month:

  1. Click the SuiteCommerce Top Searches link from the Standard Workbooks list on the Workbook Listing Page.

  2. Go to the Datasets tab.

  3. In the Criteria Summary, click the Start Time is 2 days ago filter.

  4. In the Filter: Start Time window, set Days to on or after 1 month ago.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. Click any Site name tab and then click the refresh icon.

    The top searches for that website in the past month are displayed.


This procedure will not modify the standard workbook. The changes are visible only while the tab is open. If you want to save a version of the workbook with your customizations, you need to click Save. For more information, see Custom Workbooks and Datasets.

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