Search Analytics

Understanding your customers is essential to a successful website. The Commerce Search Analytics workbooks provide valuable insight into the shoppers that visit your website. The workbooks not only reveal the search queries that the shoppers use to find products on your website, but also the language that they use to describe it. Based on these workbooks, you can make changes to the product naming conventions or use the Search Synonyms feature to define variants of terms in your product catalog. For more information on the Search Synonyms feature, see Search Synonyms.

After you have identified the popular search queries from these workbooks, you can apply promotions for the most searched products to entice shoppers to purchase them. You can also consider positioning your popular related products on your home page.

The workbooks also help you identify the popular searches that did not return any search result on your website. If such products are missing in your website, you can consider increasing your existing catalog with new products or update the product descriptions of related products to include the right keywords.

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