Setting Demand Preferences for Supply Allocation

Define how Supply Allocation sorts demand orders when allocating inventory.

To set demand preferences for supply allocation:

  1. Go to Setup > Order Management > Supply Allocation.

  2. In the Demand Transaction Sorting Options section, select the first, second, and third columns by which to sort demand orders:

    • From the Sort By list, select the first column field by which to sort demand transactions.

    • From the Then By list, select the secondary column field by which to sort demand transactions.

    • If required, from the next Then By list, select a third column field by which to sort demand transactions.

    For example, if you want to sort picking tickets by Transaction Date first, then by Expected Ship Date, select the following:

    • From the Sort By list, select Transaction Date.

    • From the Then By list, select Expected Ship Date.

  3. To change the sort order, check the Descending box. The default order is ascending.

  4. Select an Allocation Timing option:

    Affected transactions include purchase orders, sales order, transfer orders, and work orders.

    • To automatically reallocate inventory whenever a demand transaction is created, changed, or deleted, check the Perform Supply Allocation After Transaction Entry, Update or Delete box.

      To manually reallocate inventory, clear the box.


      Items must be de-allocated on other orders before they can be automatically reallocated.

    • To automatically close order reservations that are past their user defined expiration date, check the Close Order Reservations Based on Expiration Date box.

    • For the order reservation expiry date, select an effective Start Time to Close Expired Order Reservations option. For example, you can refine the March 31 order reservation expiry date start at 1:00 on that day.


      Enter an expiry date that occurs before the order reservations pick up date.

    • Select which Time Zone to Start Closing Expire Order Reservations.

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