Setting Supply Preferences for Supply Allocation

Define the default allocation strategy for each demand order type. The strategy you set appears as the default selection on demand order lines. You can change the default to another strategy on individual orders.

To set supply preferences for Supply Allocation:

  1. Go to Setup > Order Management > Supply Allocation.

  2. On the Supply Preferences subtab, set the following preferences:

    • From the Default Allocation Strategy on Sales Order list, select an allocation strategy for the default selection on new sales orders.

    • From the Default Allocation Strategy on Work Order list, select an allocation strategy for the default selection on new work orders.

    • From the Default Allocation Strategy on Transfer Order list, select an allocation strategy for the default selection on new transfer orders.

    • From the Default Allocation Strategy on Earliest Item Availability list, select an allocation strategy for the default selection on new transfer orders.

  3. Click Save.

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