Household Preferences

You can set the preferences for households in the Household Preferences page.

To set household preferences:

  1. Go to NFP CRM Center > Household Preferences > Household Preferences.

  2. Click Edit next to the household preference.

  3. In the Household Preferences page, set the preferences according to the following table.



    Enable Household

    Enables the household feature. If you clear this box, the household settings will not display in the Constituent page.


    If you have the Household feature enabled, you will not be able to perform inline editing in the constituent record list page.

    Auto Create Household

    Automatically creates the household name. This setting cannot be changed.

    Propagate Address

    Copies the address and home phone details of the primary member to the household and other members of the household.

    Household Name Options

    Lets you select placeholder fields for household name format. The selected fields are added to the Household Name Format setting below.

    Household Name Format

    Sets the format in which you want to display the household name.

    The options that you select from the Household Name Options list are added to this field. You can also enter text in this field.


    You must add the household ID and any one named field in the household name format field.

    For example, say you want the household name to be the primary constituent’s first and last name followed by the household ID and text “and Family”. To achieve this, from the Household Name Options list, first select Primary First Name, then select Primary Last Name, and lastly select Household Id. In the Household Name Format field, insert a space between the options and add the text “and Family” after the options. The Household Name Format field should display as shown below:


    Formal Salutation Options

    Lets you select placeholder fields for the formal salutation format. The selected fields are added to the Formal Salutation setting below.

    Formal Salutation

    Sets the format in which you want to display the formal salutation of the household. This salutation can be used when communicating with members of the household, such as sending email.

    The options that you select from the Formal Salutation Options list are added to this field. You can also enter text in this field.

    For example, say you want the formal salutation to be the primary constituent’s first and last name followed by the text “and Family”. To achieve this, from the Formal Salutation Options list, first select Primary First Name and then select Primary Last Name. In the Formal Salutation field, insert a space between the options and add the text “and Family” after the options. The Formal Salutation field should display the following:


    Informal Salutation Options

    Lets you select placeholder fields for the informal salutation format. The selected fields are added to the Informal Salutation setting below.

    Informal Salutation

    Sets the format in which you want to display the informal salutation of the household. This salutation can be used when communicating with members of the household, such as sending email.

    The options that you select from the Informal Salutation Options list are added to this field. You can also enter text in this field.

    For example, say you want the informal salutation to be the primary constituent’s first and last name followed by the text “and Family”. To achieve this, from the Informal Salutation Options list, first select Primary First Name and then select Primary Last Name. In the Informal Salutation field, insert a space between the options and add the text “and Family” after the options. The Informal Salutation field should display the following:


  4. Click Save.

Propagating Address and Phone Details

The Household Preferences page contains the Propagate Address box. If this box is checked, the primary member’s address and contact details are copied to the household. Also, the Constituent page contains the Propagate Address and Phone Details box. If this box is checked for primary member, the address and phone details are propagated to the household. For any other member, the household's address and phone details are propagated to the member.

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