Assigning a Preferred Grid Template Using CSV Import

You can set a preferred grid template for matrix items using CSV Import.

Guidelines for Assigning a Preferred Grid Template using CSV Import

  • Assigning a preferred grid template using CSV Import is optional for parent and child matrix items.

  • If a parent matrix item has a preferred grid template, its existing child matrix items inherit the same template.

  • A new or existing child matrix item can have a different preferred grid template from its parent matrix item.

  • A new child matrix item, which is created after assigning a preferred grid template to its parent matrix item, also inherits its parent’s preferred grid template.

  • The CSV file must contain valid grid template IDs in the Preferred Grid Template column.

  • When you create a new parent matrix item, you must leave the Preferred Grid Template field blank.

  • When you update a parent matrix item and the Preferred Grid Template column in the CSV file is blank, the item inherits its latest preferred grid template. If there is no template assigned to the item, the field becomes blank.

  • When you create a new child matrix item and the Preferred Grid Template column in the CSV file is blank, the item inherits its parent’s preferred grid template. If there is no preferred grid template set for its parent, the field becomes blank.

  • You can assign a preferred grid template to the following matrix item types:

    • Assembly/Bill of Materials

      • Lot Numbered

      • Serialized

    • Inventory Items

      • Lot Numbered

      • Serialized

Follow these instructions to assign a preferred grid template using CSV Import.

To assign a preferred grid template using CSV Import:

  1. Create a CSV Import file for matrix items. For more information, see Setting Up Your CSV File for Matrix Items Import.

    The file must include the Preferred Grid Template column with valid grid template IDs. To view valid grid templates, go to List > Grid Order Entry > Grid Templates. Use the internal ID that corresponds to the grid template. To view the internal IDs, the Show Internal ID preference must be enabled. For more information, see Setting the Show Internal IDs Preference.

  2. Go to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records.

  3. In the Scan & Upload CSV File step, do the following:

    1. In the Import Type field, select Items.

    2. In the Record Type field, select Assembly/BOM item or Inventory Item.

    3. Click Browse to locate and select your CSV file.

    4. Click Next.

  4. In the Import Options step, do the following:

    1. In the Data Handling field, select from the following options:

      • Add – Select this option to import new data.

      • Update – Select this option to update existing data.

      • Add or Update – Select this option to add new or update existing data.

    2. To display additional settings, expand Advanced Options.

    3. If you upload a CSV Import file that contains blank fields, you can check the Overwrite Missing Fields box. This action clears the value in the NetSuite fields mapped to the fields in the CSV file.

    4. To enable the data validations in the CSV file, check the Run Server SuiteScript and Trigger Workflows box.

    5. Click Next.

  5. In the Field Mapping step, verify that the fields in the CSV file are mapped to the correct NetSuite fields and click Next.

  6. In the Save Mapping & Start Import step, click Run.

  7. To view the status of the import, click the Import Job Status link.

    The page displays Complete after a successful import. To check if there are errors in the import, click the CSV Response link.

For more information on CSV Imports, see Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant.

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