Searching for Matchable Transaction Lines

The GL Matching Dashboard contains various filters that you can use to search for matchable transaction lines.

All transaction lines that match the filters appear on the Search Results list where you can match them. For more information, see GL Matching Search Results List. To match transaction lines, see Matching Transaction Lines.

To search for matchable transaction lines:

  1. Go to Transactions > Financial > GL Matching Dashboard (Administrator). For roles that use the Accounting Center, go to Financial > Other Transactions > GL Matching Dashboard.

  2. Fill in the search filters. Make sure to fill in the required filters (marked by an asterisk).

    The other search filters are optional. For more information, see GL Matching Dashboard Search Filters.

  3. Click Search to initiate the search for transaction lines. Click Reset to clear all filters and start a new search.

  4. Go to the Search Results subtab to see a list of the transaction lines that match the filters you set. For more information, see GL Matching Search Results List.

GL Matching Dashboard Search Filters

Some of the filters are mandatory (marked by an asterisk on the field) and cannot be left blank. To make your search more specific, use the advanced filters.



Basic Filters


Select a subsidiary, for which you want to match transactions. This filter is required.


This filter is only available in OneWorld accounts. See Introduction to NetSuite OneWorld chapter for more information.


Select an account that you want to use to search for matchable transaction lines. This filter is required.

If you want to add other account types besides Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payables in the dropdown list, you can manually include them in the filter on the Dashboard. For more information, see Including Accounts in GL Matching


If you have selected an accounting context at Home > Set Preferences, the Account filter only lists account names that match the accounting context and language defined in the account record. For more information, see the help topic Accounting Contexts.

Accounting Book

Select the accounting book that you want to use to search for matchable transaction lines. You cannot select multiple accounting books. Primary Accounting Book is selected by default. This filter is required.


This filter is only available in OneWorld accounts and if the Full Multi–Book Accounting feature is enabled. For more information, see Multi-Book Accounting Overview.

Matching Status

Select the matching state of transaction lines that you want to search for: None, Matched, or Partially Matched. For more information, see GL Matching Terminology.

By default, Partially Matched and None matching statuses are selected. If you clear the default, the results list displays transaction lines with all matching statuses. To select multiple matching statuses, hold the Ctrl key and click the status’s names.

Advanced Filters

Matching code

Use this field if you want to search for transaction lines based on their matching code. A matching code is a combination of letters unique for every combination of account, subsidiary, and accounting book that is assigned to every group of Matched or Partially Matched transaction lines (see the description on Matching Status).


Matching codes for Matched transaction lines consist of upper case letters, while for Partially Matched transaction lines, lower case letters are used. The GL Matching Dashboard matching code filter is not case–sensitive. That means, it does not matter whether you enter, for example, ABC or abc into this field.

Matching reference

Use this field if you want to search for transaction lines with a specific matching reference. Unlike a matching code, a matching reference is not being created automatically. You can add it to any transaction line. It is a short description, which may include the reasons why it belongs to a group.


Use this field if you want to search for transactions based on their memo. A memo is a short description of a transaction.

Transaction Line Memo

Some transaction lines may have their own memo, that is, different from the header memo of the transaction that they belong to. For example, a memo to identify a journal entry in a list of other journal entries. Use this field to search for transaction lines with a specific memo.


If you want to search for transaction lines that only apply to a certain customer, select this customer from the list. This filter only works on transactions containing data about the customer. When either the Vendor or Employee filter is used, this filter becomes unavailable.


If you want to search for transaction lines that only apply to a certain vendor, select this vendor from the list. This filter only works on transactions containing data about the vendor. When either the Customer or Employee filter is used, this filter becomes unavailable.


If you want to search for transaction lines that apply only to a certain employee, choose this employee from the list. This filter only works on transactions containing data about the employee. When either the Customer or Vendor filter is used, this filter becomes unavailable.

Billing Status

This filter is available if you choose to search for Accounts Payables or Accounts Receivables account types. For these two account types, you can select the billing status of the transaction lines that you want to filter out:

  • Closed – transaction lines with no outstanding balances.

  • Open – transaction lines with outstanding balances.

By default, no billing status is selected. In this case, both Closed and Open transaction lines appear in the Results list.

Transaction Types

Use this list to select one or multiple transaction types that you want to search for. If you want to select more than one transaction type, hold the Ctrl key and click their names. If you don’t select a specific transaction type from this list, the dashboard automatically searches for all supported transaction types.


In accounts with the Intercompany Journals feature disabled, the new Intercompany Journal Entries filter remains visible under the transaction type filter. However, using the filter will return an empty search result. See Making Intercompany Journal Entries for more information.


Only matchable transaction types available in this NetSuite account are displayed in this list. If you create a new transaction of a different type (or a custom transaction), it takes about 10 minutes before its type is added to this list.

Date From

Enter a date. GL Matching only searches for transactions issued on this date and later. Earlier transaction lines are ignored.

Date To

Enter a date. GL Matching only searches for transactions issued on or before this date, and ignore later transaction lines.

Minimum Amount

Enter the minimal amount (in base currency) for transactions. GL Matching only searches for transactions exceeding this amount.

Maximum Amount

Enter the maximum amount (in base currency) for transactions. GL Matching only searches for transactions that do not exceed this amount.


If you want to search for transaction lines that apply only to a certain department or business area, select this department from the list.


If you want to search for transaction lines that apply only to a certain class for a type of account, select this class from the list.


If you want to search for transaction lines that apply only to a certain company location, select this location from the list.


The Department, Class, and Location filters are only available if you have enabled the Departments, Classes, and Locations features, at Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features. For more information about these segments, see Classifications Overview.

GL Matching Search Results List

All found transaction lines appear in the Search Results tab. Every transaction line in the search results appears in a separate row with several columns of additional information:

  • Type – The transaction type (for example, Journal).

  • Number – This number is automatically generated for every transaction line. In the GL Matching search results list, you can click this number to open a transaction’s record and view the details.

  • Date – The date the transaction was issued.

  • Entity – Only appears if transaction applies to a particular customer, vendor, or employee.

  • Transaction Currency – The currency used for this transaction.

  • Debit()/Credit() – Debit and credit value of this transaction in base currency as indicated by the three–letter ISO code inside the parenthesis. The GL Matching SuiteApp matches transaction lines based on these values. For more information, see Currency Management.

  • Debit(fx)/Credit(fx) – Debit and credit value of this transaction line in the currency used for this transaction, which is indicated by the ISO code in the Transaction Currency column.

  • Memo – Displays the memo for this transaction. It is usually a short description.

  • Matching Code – A combination of letters (unique for every account, subsidiary, and accounting book) assigned to every group of transaction lines. NetSuite uses upper case letters for Matched transaction lines and lower case letters for Partially Matched transaction lines.

  • Matching Status – If empty, this transaction line has not been matched. For more information, see GL Matching Terminology.


    Matching Status and Matching Code display Processing when one or more transaction lines of a transaction is being processed by the SuiteApp. You can check their status in the Matching In Progress subtab. You cannot perform any action on transaction lines that are in Processing or Pending status.

  • Matching Date – The date and time when the GL Matching SuiteApp matched or unmatched this transaction line.

  • Matching Reference – A short description of the transaction line which may include the reasons why it belongs to a group. You can use this field to insert, edit, or delete a matching reference. After making your changes, press Enter and confirm the changes in the popup window.


When you click the header of any column, you can sort the data in the Results list either by text (A to Z or Z to A) or by numbers (smallest to largest or largest to smallest) in that particular column.

Exporting GL Matching Search Results to CSV

You can export the search results list to CSV. The CSV file will contain the information in the GL Matching Search Results list. You can open the file using external applications.

Click Export to CSV to generate a copy of your current search results in CSV format and save it to your computer. Note that the exported data is only associated with one combination of an account, a subsidiary, and an accounting book.

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