Setting Up SuitePeople U.K. Localization

To use SuitePeople U.K. Localization (SUL), you must first complete specific prerequisites then install the SuiteApp. If you want to use SUL for custom roles, you must add the fields to a permission. You may also add the SUL fields to your existing employee forms.

To set up SUL, follow the steps on the table.


Related Help Topic

1. Log in as a NetSuite administrator.

Roles and Accounts

2. Complete the prerequisites.

SuitePeople U.K. Localization Prerequisites

3. Install SuitePeople U.K. Localization.

Installing SuitePeople U.K. Localization

4. (Optional) Add fields to custom permissions and roles.

Adding SuitePeople U.K. Localization Fields to Custom Permissions and Roles

5. (Optional) Customize forms.

Adding SuitePeople U.K. Localization Fields to Forms

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