
The getAccountGovernanceInfo operation can be used to retrieve the account concurrency limit and the unallocated concurrency limit through SOAP web services.

If an integration has insufficient concurrency limit allocated to it, it can use the getAccountGovernanceInfo operation. With the retrieved information the integration can determine whether there is sufficient unallocated concurrency limit for the account and can suggest the administrator to increase the concurrency limit allocated to the integration.

If an integration does not have concurrency limit allocated to it, and the unallocated concurrency limit is insufficient, the application can use the getAccountGovernanceInfo operation. With the retrieved information the integration can advise the administrator to concider decreasing the concurrency limit allocated for other integrations and calculate if that is feasible.


The operation will return results only if you are logged in as an administrator.

SOAP Request



SOAP Response

                <platformCore:status isSuccess="true"/>


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