
The get operation is used to retrieve a record by providing the unique id that identifies that record.


The getRequest type is used for the request. It contains the following fields.

Element Name

XSD Type




A recordRef object that specifies the id of the record to be retrieved.


The getResponse type is used for the response. It contains the following fields.

Element Name

XSD Type




The status for this operation. All applicable errors or warnings are listed within this type.



A record that represents the specified id. The actual record returned needs to be a type that extends the abstract type Record.


This operation can throw one of the following faults. See SOAP Fault Status Codes for more information on faults.

Usage Notes for Custom Fields Generated from Custom Segments

The get operation supports the usage of unified scripts IDs of custom segments. If the unified script ID is used on a custom segment, it is returned, if the legacy one is used, it is returned.

As of 2019.1, any new custom segments that you create automatically use the unified ID.

SOAP Response with Unified Script ID Used on the Custom Segment

         <getResponse xmlns="">
               <platformCore:status isSuccess="true" xmlns:platformCore=""/>
               <record internalId="107" xsi:type="listRel:Customer" xmlns:listRel="">
                  <listRel:customForm internalId="3" xmlns:platformCore="">
                  <listRel:entityId>Tim Harris</listRel:entityId>

      …[more fields]…

                     <platformCore:customField internalId="58" scriptId="cseg_633637_beforeload" xsi:type="platformCore:BooleanCustomFieldRef">


SOAP Request – Return Customer Record

In this example, a single customer record is retrieved. Note that the internal ID for the specific instance of the record and the record type (customer) must be specified.

         <get xmlns="">   
            <baseRef internalId="107" type="customer" xsi:type="ns7:RecordRef" xmlns:ns7=""/>  


SOAP Response

         <getResponse xmlns="">
               <platformCore:status isSuccess="true" xmlns:platformCore=""/>
               <record internalId="107" xsi:type="listRel:Customer" xmlns:listRel="">
                  <listRel:customForm internalId="3" xmlns:platformCore="">
                  <listRel:entityId>Tim Harris</listRel:entityId>
                  <listRel:companyName>Glenrock General Hospital</listRel:companyName>
                  <listRel:entityStatus internalId="13" xmlns:platformCore="">
                     <platformCore:name>CUSTOMER-Closed Won</platformCore:name>
              ...[more fields]...
                  <listRel:customFieldList xmlns:platformCore="">
                     <platformCore:customField internalId="59" scriptId="custentity_633637_asubmit" xsi:type="platformCore:BooleanCustomFieldRef">
                     <platformCore:customField internalId="58" scriptId="custentity_633637_bload" xsi:type="platformCore:BooleanCustomFieldRef">



          private void getCustomer()
   // This operation requires a valid session
   this.login( true );
   // Prompt for the nsKey
   _out.write( "\nnsKey for record to be retrieved: " );
   String nsKey = _out.readLn();
   // Invoke the get() operation to retrieve the record
   RecordRef recordRef = new RecordRef();
   recordRef.internalId = nsKey;
   recordRef.type = RecordType.customer;
   recordRef.typeSpecified = true;
   ReadResponse response = _service.get( recordRef );
   // Process response from get() operation "\nRecord returned from get() operation: " );
   if ( !response.status.isSuccess )
      "ERROR: " +
      getStatusDetails( response.status ) );
      Customer customer = (Customer) response.record;
      "\nnsKey=" + customer.internalId + ", " +
      "\nentityId=" + customer.entityId +
      (customer.companyName==null ? "" : ("\ncompanyName=" + customer.companyName)) +
      (customer.stage==null ? "" : ("\nstage=" + customer.stage)) +
      ( ? "" : ("\nemail=" + +
      ( ? "" : ("\nphone=" + +
      "\nisInactive=" + customer.isInactive +
      (!customer.dateCreatedSpecified ? "" : ("\ndateCreated=" + 
      customer.dateCreated.ToShortDateString())) );



          public void getCustomer() throws RemoteException, ExceededUsageLimitFault,
UnexpectedErrorFault, InvalidSessionFault, ExceededRecordCountFault {
   // This operation requires a valid session
   // Prompt for the nsKey
   _console.write("\nnsKey for record to be retrieved: ");
   String nsKey = _console.readLn();
   // Invoke the get() operation to retrieve the record
   RecordRef recordRef = new RecordRef();
   ReadResponse response = _port.get(recordRef);
   // Process response from get() operation"\nRecord returned from get() operation: ");
   if (!response.getStatus().isIsSuccess()) {"ERROR: " + getStatusDetails(response.getStatus()));
   } else {
      Customer customer = (Customer) response.getRecord();
      + customer.getInternalId()
      + ", "
      + "\nentityId="
      + customer.getEntityId()
      + (customer.getCompanyName() == null ? ""
      : ("\ncompanyName=" + customer
      + (customer.getStage() == null ? ""
      : ("\nstage=" + customer.getStage()))
      + (customer.getEmail() == null ? ""
      : ("\nemail=" + customer.getEmail()))
      + (customer.getPhone() == null ? ""
      : ("\nphone=" + customer.getPhone()))
      + "\nisInactive="
      + customer.getIsInactive()
      + (customer.getDateCreated() != null ? ""
      : ("\ndateCreated=" + customer


Related Topics

General Notices