Sales and Purchase Custom Transaction Types

Sales and purchase custom transaction types are also available in SOAP web services. As sales and purchase custom transactions in SOAP web services differ in a few things from other custom transaction types, it is important to read through the whole topic.

You can find more information about Custom Transactions in SOAP web services in Custom Transaction.

Supported Operations

The following operations can be used with the sales and purchase custom transaction types:

add | addList |attach / detach | delete | deleteList | get | getCustomizationId | getDeleted | getList | getSavedSearch |getSelectValue | initialize / initializeList | search | update | updateList | upsert | upsertList


You can also use the asynchronous equivalents of SOAP web services list operations. For information about asynchronous operations, see SOAP Web Services Asynchronous Operations. For more information about request processing, see Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Request Processing.

Field Definitions

The SuiteTalk Schema Browser includes definitions for all body fields, sublist fields, search filters, and search joins available to this record. For details, see the Schema Browser’s CustomSale and CustomPurchase reference pages.


For information about using the SuiteTalk Schema Browser, see the help topic SOAP Schema Browser.

Usage Notes

Consider the following information when you work with sales and purchase custom transactions:

  • When working with the add, update and upsert operations you must specify a custom transaction type in the tranType field. You can do that by using the internalId of the specific custom transaction type. Sales and purchase custom transaction types have dedicated classes CustomSale and CustomPurchase respectively.

  • For the get, getList, delete, deleteList and attach / detach operations, you must use CustomTransactionRef.

  • When using any search operation, you must search as for any other transaction and set the criteria for type to either a specific record type, or to all custom sales or custom purchase types.

  • With the initialize operation you can do the following transformations:

    • CustomSale transaction type to a different customSale transaction type.

    • CustomSale transaction type to customerPayment.

    • CustomSale transaction type to customerRefund.

    • Invoice to customSale transaction type.

    • SalesOrder to customSale transaction type.

    • CustomPurchase transaction type to a different customPurchase transaction type.

    • CustomSale transaction type to invoice.

    • CustomSale transaction type to cashRefund.

    • CustomSale transaction type to creditMemo.

    • CustomSale transaction type to cashSale.

    • CashSale to customSale transaction type.

    • ReturnAuthorization to customSale transaction type.

    • CustomPurchase transaction type to vendorCredit.

    • CustomPurchase transaction type to vendorPayment.

    • CustomPurchase transaction type to vendorBill.

    • VendorBill to customPurchase transaction type.

    • VendorReturnAuthorization to customPurchase transaction type.

    • PurchaseOrder to customPurchase transaction types.


    The source and the transformed transactions are linked together with a generic link.

  • When using the get operation for a record created through the initialize operation, the returned record does not contain the createdFrom field.


    The createdFrom field is usually returned with a record created by the initialize operation and contains the internal id of the source record specified by the element reference.

  • The following sublists or subrecords are available for sales and purchase custom transactions.

    Sublist or Subrecord

    Avalable for

    Related Help Topic

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    Sales custom transactions.

    Revenue Recognition.


    Purchase custom transactions.

    Expense Amortization.


    Sales custom transactions with the option of enabling item line shipping and shipping to custom addresses.



    Sales custom transactions.


    Landed Costs

    Purchase custom transactions with the option of enabling landed cost per line or landed cost for the whole transaction.

    Landed Cost.


    Sales custom transactions and purchase custom transactions.

    Creating Installments for sales and Vendor Payment Installments for purchases.

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