Recurring Revenue Dataset

This dataset combines fields from the Recurring Revenue record type so that you can analyze data from subscriptions by customer, subscription, billing account, item, and other options.

The recurring revenue record is the base record for the dataset. Each subscription line record has an associated recurring revenue record that records all recurring revenue and changes to recurring revenue over the subscription term.

The record includes the following fields:

This template is not based on an existing saved search.

Dataset Configuration

The Recurring Revenue dataset combines fields from one record type and one criteria field. To edit the dataset, see Defining a Dataset.

The template is configured as follows:

Root Record Type

Joined Record Types

Custom Formula Fields

Data Grid

Criteria Filters

Monthly Recurring Revenue

  • Subscription

  • Subscription Line

  • Billing Account

  • Customer

  • Pricing and Subscription Line Dates Align

  • Pricing and Subscription Line No. Match

  • Revenue – Scheduled Upsell

  • Revenue – Scheduled Downsell

  • Revenue Ending – Renew to Retain

  • Subscription Line Number

  • Subscription Line Type

  • Subscription Line Status

  • Subscription Line Start Date

  • Subscription Line End Date

  • Sales Order

  • Sales Order Line Number

  • Subscription Start Date

  • Subscription End Date

  • Billing Account Start Date

  • Actual Months Since Revenue Month

  • Up-for-Renewal Date

  • Recurring Revenue Amount

  • Other Amount

  • Up-for-Renewal Amount

  • Current Recurring Revenue

  • Renewed Amount

  • Date

  • Currency

  • Item

  • Customer

  • Class

  • Department

  • Location

  • Subsidiary

  • Sales Rep

  • Status

  • Subscription Start Date

  • Subscription End Date

  • Subscription Plan

  • Price Book

  • Billing Account

  • Billing Account Start Date


General Notices