Installing and Updating the WMS Printer Driver and Carrier Integrator Application

To set up the NSWMS Printer Driver Application on your account, you must install the application and complete specific updates to the configuration file. For instructions, see the following topics in this section:

Installing the WMS Printer Driver and Carrier Integration

To install the WMS Printer Driver and Carrier Integrator application, download the application ZIP file and extract the contents into a local folder on your computer.

Before you install the application, make sure that you have reviewed the requirements. See WMS Printer Driver and Carrier Integrator Application Prerequisites.

Complete the following steps on each computer (all shipping stations, print servers, or both) on which the WMS Printer Driver and Carrier Integrator is configured.

To install the WMS Printer Driver and Carrier Integrator application:

  1. Log in using the Warehouse role, and then go to Reports > Configuration > NSWMS Print Driver.

  2. On the NSWMS Print Driver page, on the NSWMS Print Driver Files subtab, click the Download Print Driver Files link.

  3. On the Folder Contents page, click Download next to the NSWMS Print Driver Application folder.

  4. Save the NSWMS Print Driver file to a local folder on your computer.

  5. Open the ZIP file folder, and then extract its contents to a local folder on your computer.

  6. To manually add a desktop shortcut, open the folder with the extracted files, and then right-click the NetsuiteCarrierIntegrator.exe file.

Updating the Configuration File

After you have installed the NSWMS Printer Driver Application, you must update the configuration file with your application ID and role ID for logging in.


Due to the mandatory 2FA implementation for integrations that use highly privileged roles, do not use the Administrator role to access the application. NetSuite WMS provides the WMS Web Services Admin role as the default role to access the application, which requires user-based credentials. To assign this role to users, see Assigning Roles to an Employee.

To update the configuration file:

  1. Open your local folder that contains the extracted files of the NSWMS Printer Driver Application.

  2. Using a text editor such as Notepad ++, open the NetsuiteCarrierIntegrator.exe.Config file.

  3. earch for the add tag for the applicationId key, and then for its value, enter the Application ID.

    For example: <add key="applicationId" value="A0E1F648-004C-441B-8132-0B2774FB985Y"/>.

    To generate the Application ID, see Generating the Application ID.

  4. Search for the setting tag for the NetSuite SOAP web services endpoint, NetsuiteCarrierIntegrator_com_netsuite_webservices_NetSuiteService, and then for its value, do the following:

    1. Replace the placeholder value, XXXXXXX, for the domain string in the URL with your SuiteTalk account-specific domain.

      To view your account-specific domains in NetSuite, go to Setup > Company > Company Information, and then click the Company URLs subtab. For more information, see URLs for Account-Specific Domains.

    2. Verify that the port is set to NetSuitePort_2019_2.

    For example:

                      <setting name="NetsuiteCarrierIntegrator_com_netsuite_webservices_NetSuiteService" serializeAs="String"> 
  5. Search for the add tag for the Role key, and then for its value, enter the internal ID for the Web Services Admin role.

    For example: <add key="Role" value="1000"/>.

    To view the internal ID for your roles, go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles. If you cannot find the internal ID of your roles, see Setting the Internal ID Preference.

  6. Save the updated configuration file.

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