Setting Bill of Lading Preferences

To set preferences in the Bill of Lading Preferences page, go to Transactions > Sales > Bill of Lading Preferences.

Item Fulfillment Print Preferences

If you check the Save to File Cabinet box, the bill of lading printed from Item Fulfillment page is saved to the file cabinet. The SuiteApp stores these files in the Documents > Files > Bills of Lading folder.

In the Default Standalone Template field, you can select a default template to use when printing the standalone bill of lading from the Item Fulfillment page.

Search Filters

The following table lists the different search filter preferences for the Print Bill of Lading page:



Transaction Type

Adds the Transaction Type filter in the Print Bill of Lading page. This is a required field and you cannot clear it.


Adds the Customer filter in the Print Bill of Lading page. This is a required field and you cannot clear it.

Include Printed Items

Adds the Include Printed Items checkbox the Print Bill of Lading page. This is a required field and you cannot clear it.


Adds the Location filter in the Print Bill of Lading page. This is a required field and you cannot clear it.

Shipping Method

If checked, adds the Shipping Method filter to the Print Bill of Lading page.

Ship Date

If checked, adds the Ship Date (Ship From and Ship to) filter to the Print Bill of Lading page.


If checked, adds the Status filter to the Print Bill of Lading page.

Result Columns

The following table lists the item fulfillment result column preferences for the Print Bill of Lading page:



Ref. No.

Displays the Ref. No. field from Item Fulfillment page in the item fulfillment search result columns. This is a required field and you cannot clear it.

Customer / Vendor

Displays Customer column for sales order transaction type and Vendor column for vendor return authorization transaction type in the item fulfillment search results. This is a required field and you cannot clear it. For transfer order transaction type, this column is not applicable and is hidden.


Displays the Status column in the item fulfillment search results. This is a required field and you cannot clear it.

Created From

Displays the Created From field from Item Fulfillment page into the item fulfillment search result columns. This column displays the source transaction from which the item fulfillment is created. This is a required field and you cannot clear it.


Displays the Date field from Item Fulfillment page into the item fulfillment search result columns. The column displays the date on which you are fulfilling the order. This is a required field and you cannot clear it.


If checked, displays the Memo column in the item fulfillment search results.

Shipping Carrier

If checked, displays the Shipping Carrier column in the item fulfillment search results.

Shipping Method

If checked, displays the Shipping Method column in the item fulfillment search results.


If checked, displays the Ship to Address column in the item fulfillment search results.


If checked, displays the Box column in the item fulfillment search results. The column displays the total number of boxes included in the fulfillment.


If checked, displays the LBS column in the item fulfillment search results. This column displays the total weight of all the boxes included in the fulfillment.

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General Notices