Printing Bill of Lading

The Bill of Lading SuiteApp lets you print bill of lading directly from the item fulfillment record.

You can also use the Print Bill of Lading page to search for item fulfillments and print bills of lading for multiple transactions. On this page, you can choose to print stand-alone or master bill of lading for the selected transactions.

For more information, read the following help topics:

Both printing options for bill of lading requires you to search for item fulfillments before you can continue with the succeeding steps.

Types of Bill of Lading

You can generate two types of bills of lading:

Stand-alone BOL – The standalone bill of lading generates a separate bill of lading for each item fulfillment.

Master BOL – The master bill of lading is a consolidated bill of lading. Item fulfillments having the same customer (for sales order transaction), location (ship from), shipping address (ship to), and shipping method are grouped. When printing, each group is printed in a single master bill of lading file.

Searching Item Fulfillments on Print Bill of Lading Page

Search the item fulfillments on the Print Bill of Lading page.

To search item fulfillments on Print Bill of Lading page:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Bill of Lading.

  2. From the Transaction Type list, select the transaction type.

  3. In the Search Options section, set the filters for searching item fulfillments.


    Some options do not display by default in the Print Bill of Lading page. To view them, set the relevant preferences in the Bill of Lading Preferences page.



    Transaction Type

    Select the type of transaction by which you want to search the item fulfillments. Select from the following:

    • Sales Order

    • Transfer Order

    • Vendor Return Authorization


    Select the customer for which you want to search the item fulfillments. This option is available only when you select Sales Order from the Transaction Type list.

    For sales order, you must select either the Customer or Location.


    Select the location by which you want to search the item fulfillments.

    For sales order, you must select either the Customer or Location.

    Include Printed Items

    If this box is cleared, the search results do not display item fulfillments for which bill of lading has been already printed. If this box is checked, such item fulfillments are also displayed in the search results.

    Shipping Method

    Select the shipping method by which you want to search the item fulfillments.

    Ship Date From

    Select the ship date from which you want to search the item fulfillments. This field is not applicable to Vendor Return Authorization transaction type.

    Ship Date To

    Select the ship date up to which you want to search the item fulfillments. This field is not applicable to Vendor Return Authorization transaction type.


    Select the status by which you want to search item fulfillments.

  4. Click Search.

Related Topics

General Notices