Employee Timesheets

Employee timesheets are usually entered and maintained in the Time Tracking or Employee Weekly Timesheet features of NetSuite. Fetch the employee timesheets entered by grant segment in the respective labor expense allocation period for processing.

You can also import employee timesheets from a CSV file.

All timesheets fetched from the NetSuite Time Tracker or imported from CSV files are available on the Employee Timesheet List page. To access the Employee Timesheet List page, go to Expense Management > Allocate Using Employee Rates > All Timesheets.


The start date, end date, and employee pay frequency must be the same in the labor expense allocation period and employee rate selected for a timesheet. Also, the employee pay type selected in the timesheet and in the employee rate must be the same.

Read the following topics to learn more about working with Employee Timesheets using the Labor Expense Allocation SuiteApp:

General Notices