Fetching an Employee Timesheet

Fetch a timesheet for an employee from the Time Tracking or the Weekly Timesheet features.

The Labor Expense Allocation SuiteApp successfully fetches a timesheet from an employee record when it meets the following criteria:

If the employee timesheet has a constituent selected, the Project column displays blank for the fetched timesheet.

To fetch a timesheet for a labor expense allocation period:

  1. Open the Labor Expense Allocation Period List page:

    • If you are using Employee Pay Transactions, go to Expense Management > Allocate Using Employee Pay Transactions > Manage Labor Expense Allocation Periods.

    • If you are using Employee Rates, go to Expense Management > Allocate Using Employee Rates > Manage Labor Expense Allocation Periods.

  2. In the Empoyee Timesheets column, click Fetch on the labor expense allocation period.

  3. Click Track Status.

    The Fetch Employee Timesheet Status List page opens. This page displays a list of employee timesheet fetch requests, along with the status and error details.

  4. If the Status column displays In Progress, keep refreshing the page until the status changes to either Completed or Failed.

Viewing Fetched Employee Timesheet Error Details

You can view the timesheet retrieval status on the Fetch Employee Timesheet Status List page. If the status appears as Failed, the Error column displays the reason for failure. If the failure is due to an error in the timesheet, a Download link appears in the Error File column. You must resolve any errors and then import the timesheet again to NetSuite.

To view the employee timesheet fetch error details:

  1. On the Fetch Employee Timesheet Status List page, in the Error File column, click Download.

  2. Open the CSV file and check the Error column to see the error details.

  3. After fixing the errors, remove the Error column.

  4. Save the CSV file.

  5. Import the updated file to NetSuite.

    For more information, read Importing Employee Timesheets CSV File.

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