System Notes Terminology

The following terms are used to refer to system notes in NetSuite.


A general examination and verification of NetSuite records.

Audit Trail

The Audit Trail is a NetSuite tool that you can use to search and investigate system notes related to a specific record

You can use the Transaction Audit Trail to produce a report that provides a detailed history of all transactions entered into NetSuite, or you can view system notes for multiple transactions. The audit trail provides general information about the transaction, the user who entered the transaction, and the dates when the transaction was created or modified. By default, the Transaction Audit Trail report is available to the CEO, CEO (Hands Off), CFO, and Support Administrator roles. Other users with a custom role can access the Transaction Audit Trail report if they have the audit trail permission assigned to their role.

System Notes

System notes track any changes made to a record. A system note for a change on a record captures the date when the change was made, who made the change, the role of the user who made the change, the type of change, and the old and new record values. System notes cannot be edited by any system user, script, or application. System notes are logged on custom records as well as standard records. Anyone with view access to a record and the List > Notes Tab permission can view the system notes for that record.

Transaction History

NetSuite stores data on each entry that a user makes to create, change, or delete a transaction. This data includes all users involved in the history of this transaction, each user's action, the date and time of that action, any account impact, and the amount after the change.

This historical data may be referred to as system notes, an audit trail, or as history. NetSuite provides a variety of methods for you to retrieve historical details about changes made to transaction records.

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