Required Settings in Oracle Content

Errors can occur when creating and viewing Oracle Content documents in NetSuite. To avoid errors, administrators must complete the following system configuration settings in Oracle Content.

Allowing Public Links to Files and Folders in Oracle Content

An administrator must enable this system setting to let users successfully create and view Oracle Content documents through NetSuite records, and share public links.

To allow public links to Oracle Content files and folders:

  1. Log in to Oracle Content using your credentials as administrator of your organization’s Oracle Content account.

  2. Click System in the Administration area of the navigation menu.

  3. In the System Settings menu, click Documents.

  4. Under Links:

    • In the Allow public links to files and folders field, choose Enabled.

    • In the Maximum role available for public links field, select Contributor.

Allowing the Display of Embedded Content from Oracle Content

An administrator must enable this system setting to allow the display of embedded content from Oracle Content within other domains, including NetSuite.

To allow the display of embedded content from Oracle Content:

  1. Log in to Oracle Content using your credentials as administrator of your organization’s Oracle Content account.

  2. Click System in the Administration area of the navigation menu.

  3. In the System Settings menu, click Security.

  4. Under Embedded Content:

    • In the Allow the display of embedded content from Oracle Content and Experience Cloud within other domains field, choose Enabled.

    • In the Allowed domains field, enter *

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