Schedule Payment File Transfer

You can schedule a payment file transfer for a specific date and time by using the Outbound-Schedule button on the Outbound Configuration page. This feature of the SFTP connector gives you the flexibility to transfer payment files in a scheduled manner. When you schedule a payment file transfer, all files in the processing folder are transferred. If there are multiple folders, then the files under all the folders are transferred when the schedule transfer is triggered.

To schedule a payment file transfer:

  1. Go to SFTP > SFTP Records > Outbound Configurations.

  2. Next to a record, click View.

  3. On the Outbound Configuration page, click the Outbound-Schedule button.

  4. A Script Deployment page is displayed. You can schedule the file transfer from this page.

    To know more about scheduling the file transfer from the Script Deployment page, see Map/Reduce Script Deployment Record.

  5. Click Save.

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