Approving Vendor Prepayments in the Employee Center

After setting up the necessary requirements you can approve vendor prepayment transactions through the Reminders portlet in the Employee Center.

This is useful for employees who only have access to the Employee Center role but need to approve vendor prepayments.

To approve vendor prepayments in the Employee Center:

  1. Log in to NetSuite using the custom Employee Center role. See Configuring Vendor Prepayment Approvals in the Employee Center.

  2. In the Reminders portlet, click Vendor Prepayments to Approve.

  3. In the Approve Vendor Prepayment page, select the prepayments you want to approve.


    To select all prepayments at one time, click Mark All.

  4. (Optional) Click the date of a prepayment to open the full record of the prepayment.

  5. Click Submit to approve the selected prepayments.

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