Vendor Prepayment Approvals in the Employee Center

The Employee Center role can be customized to allow approvals of vendor prepayment transactions. Users with the customized Employee Center role can review and approve vendor prepayments using the standard vendor prepayment approval process.

This is useful for employees who only have access to the Employee Center role but need to approve vendor prepayments.

The Employee Center role does not have the permissions to approve vendor prepayments enabled by default. An administrator must assign the necessary permissions first.

See the following topics for information about how to setup a customized Employee Center role with vendor prepayment approvals:

Related Topics

Vendor Prepayments Overview
Vendor Prepayments Setup
Entering Vendor Prepayments
Entering Vendor Prepayments From a Purchase Order
Reviewing the Vendor Prepayments Associated With a Purchase Order
Vendor Prepayment Application
Vendor Prepayment Approvals
Viewing the List of Vendor Prepayment Transactions
Editing or Deleting Vendor Prepayment Transactions
Voiding a Vendor Prepayment Transaction
Printing Vendor Prepayment Vouchers
Customizing Vendor Prepayment Vouchers
Vendor Prepayments

General Notices