Customizing Vendor Prepayment Vouchers

NetSuite provides a default template for vendor prepayment vouchers. If you do not create a customized template, all vendor prepayment transactions use the default template. This template includes all the necessary details of your company and the prepayment transaction. You can customize the default PDF or HTML template, adding or removing information to better suit your needs. For a full description of the customization capabilities in NetSuite, review the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates section.

To customize vendor prepayment vouchers, you must enable the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature. When this feature is enabled, you can associate advanced templates with custom transaction forms. Then, these templates are used to format printed and email versions of transactions. For more information, see Advanced Templates Support for Company Printing Preferences.

This procedure summarizes the steps required to customize a vendor prepayment voucher that you can use for your company. For a detailed explanation of the different customization options, review the information in the SuiteBuilder (Customization) section.

To customize a vendor prepayment voucher

  1. Verify that the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature is enabled for your account. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates Feature.

  2. Create a customized vendor prepayment form with the requirements for your business. For more information, see Custom Forms.

    The custom form is available through the Custom Form list when you enter a new vendor prepayment transaction:

    Screenshot of a vendor prepayment Custom Form field selection

    The Custom Form list is available only when you customize the default vendor prepayment form.

  3. Optionally, set the custom form as the default form for vendor prepayment transactions. For more information, see Defining Preferred Forms.

  4. Create a custom vendor prepayment PDF/HTML template. For more information, see Advanced Templates Customization in the Template Editor.

  5. Configure the custom form to use the new PDF/HTML template. For more information, see Setting Custom Forms to Use Advanced Templates.

    You can configure the custom form for print templates, email templates, or both.

  6. When you print your vendor prepayment vouchers on the Print Prepayment Vouchers page, select your custom form. Because you have configured the custom form with the custom PDF template, your vouchers use your customized PDF layout. For more information, see Printing Vendor Prepayment Vouchers.

Diagram of the vendor prepayment advanced printing flow

Related Topics

Vendor Prepayments Overview
Vendor Prepayments Setup
Entering Vendor Prepayments
Entering Vendor Prepayments From a Purchase Order
Reviewing the Vendor Prepayments Associated With a Purchase Order
Vendor Prepayment Application
Vendor Prepayment Approvals
Vendor Prepayment Approvals in the Employee Center
Viewing the List of Vendor Prepayment Transactions
Editing or Deleting Vendor Prepayment Transactions
Voiding a Vendor Prepayment Transaction
Vendor Prepayments

General Notices