Editing or Deleting Vendor Prepayment Transactions

You may need to update or delete a vendor prepayment transaction. See Configuring Permissions for Vendor Prepayments to verify you have the required permissions for these actions.

Editing a Vendor Prepayment Transaction

You can modify fields and add additional information to an existing vendor prepayment transaction.

In a vendor prepayment application, you can change the prepayment amount applied to the vendor bills. When you apply a vendor prepayment to the total cost of a bill, the status of the bill changes to Paid in Full. If you edit the prepayment application reducing the amount, the status of the vendor bill changes to Open.

To edit a vendor prepayment transaction:

  1. Go to Transactions > Payables > Enter Vendor Prepayment > List.

  2. If the Filters area is collapsed, click the plus sign to show the available filters.

  3. If not already selected, use the Type list to select the transaction type.

  4. For the transaction you want to edit, click Edit.

  5. Update the transaction as necessary.

  6. Click Save.


You can change the payment amount only when the prepayment is in Paid status.

Deleting a Vendor Prepayment Transaction

Consider the following information when deleting a vendor prepayment transaction:

  • You cannot delete transactions from a closed posting period.

  • Only administrators can delete transactions from a locked posting period.

  • The NetSuite Audit Trail registers the delete operation. For more information about the Audit Trail, see Audit Trail Subtab.

To delete a vendor prepayment, the status must be Paid. If the vendor prepayment has been partially applied or fully applied, you must delete the dependent vendor prepayment applications first. For a description of the status of vendor prepayments, see Viewing the List of Vendor Prepayment Transactions.

When you delete a vendor prepayment, NetSuite does the following:

  • Removes the transaction from the list of vendor prepayments

  • Restores the account balance in the vendor prepayment account

  • Removes the transaction from the Recent Records subtab

  • Registers the delete action in the Audit Trail

When you delete a vendor prepayment application, NetSuite does the following:

  • Removes the transaction from the list of vendor prepayment applications

  • Restores the account balance in the Accounts Payable account, and deletes the posting impact from the general ledger

  • Removes the transaction from the Recent Records subtab

  • Registers the delete action in the Audit Trail

To delete a vendor prepayment transaction:

  1. Go to Transactions > Payables > Enter Vendor Prepayment > List.

  2. If the Filter area is collapsed, click the plus sign to show the available filters.

  3. If not already selected, use the Type list to select the transaction type.

  4. For the transaction you want to delete, click Edit.

  5. On the transaction detail, point to Actions, and then select Delete.

  6. Click OK to confirm your action.

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