Invoice Record Actions


Corresponding UI Button

Mark for Grouping

Action Description

Indicates whether an invoice is available for grouping, but does not add this invoice to a group. The Invoice Groups feature must be enabled to use this action. For more information about the Invoice Groups feature, see Invoice Groups Overview.


{notifications:[], response:{}}

Supported Script Types

Client and server scripts

For additional information, see SuiteScript 2.x Script Types.





The internal ID for this action is markforgrouping.

The Mark for Grouping action appears on the Invoice record type.

For help working with the invoice record in the UI, see Invoices.

Supported Functions

The invoice record is partially scriptable. It can be created, updated, deleted, and searched using SuiteScript. It cannot be copied or transformed.

Possible Error Messages

The Mark for Grouping action generates the following error messages:


Code Sample

          require(['N/action'], function(actionMod) {

 var result = actionMod.execute({id: 'markforgrouping', recordType: 'invoice', params: {recordId: 1}});


// Add addtional code 



Corresponding UI Button

Remove From Group

Action Description

Removes an invoice from an existing invoice group. The Invoice Groups feature must be enabled to use this action. For more information about the Invoice Groups feature, see Invoice Groups Overview.


{notifications:[], response:{}}

Supported Script Types

Client and server scripts

For additional information, see SuiteScript 2.x Script Types.





The internal ID for this action is removeinvoicefromgroup.

The Remove From Group action appears on the Invoice record type.

For help working with the invoice record in the UI, see Invoices.

Supported Functions

The invoice record is partially scriptable. It can be created, updated, deleted, and searched using SuiteScript. It cannot be copied or transformed.

Possible Error Messages

The Remove From Group action generates the following error messages:


Code Sample

          require(['N/action'], function(actionMod) {

var result = actionMod.execute({id: 'removeinvoicefromgroup', recordType: 'invoice', params: {recordId: 1}});


// Add additional code 



Corresponding UI Button

Unmark for Grouping

Action Description

Indicates an invoice ineligible for grouping, but it does not remove the invoice from the group. The Invoice Groups feature must be enabled to use this action. For more information about the Invoice Groups feature, see Invoice Groups Overview.


{notifications:[], response:{}}

Supported Script Types

Client and server scripts

For additional information, see SuiteScript 2.x Script Types.





The internal ID for this action is unmarkforgrouping.

For help working with the invoice record in the UI, see Invoices.

Supported Functions

The invoice record is partially scriptable. It can be created, updated, deleted, and searched using SuiteScript. It cannot be copied or transformed.

Possible Error Messages


Code Sample

          require(['N/action'], function(actionMod) {

 var result = actionMod.execute({id: 'unmarkforgrouping', recordType: 'invoice', params: {recordId: 1});


// Add additional code 


Related Topics

General Notices