Best Practice for Applying Transactions for Lettrage

This section contains the best practice to reconcile A/P and A/R accounts by applying transactions based on the France Lettrage reports.

To apply A/R transactions:

  1. Go to Reports > Saved Searches > FR Customers to Match.

  2. Click Go next to the customer name where the transactions that you want to match belong.

  3. Click Match next to the transaction you want to match.

  4. On the Payment page:

    1. Verify that the A/R Account field is filled and that the selected account is correct.

    2. Go to Apply subtab.

  5. On the Invoices subtab, check the invoice that you want to link to the payment.

  6. On Credits subtab, check the credit memo that you want to link to the selected invoice.

  7. Copy the payment amount of the selected credit memo.

  8. Go to the Invoices subtab, and paste the credit memo amount on the selected invoice amount.

    This step will change the value in the Payment Amount field to zero. This change is important so that no new payment record will be created. This way, you are only linking the transactions.

  9. Click Save.

    By saving the payment record, you have applied the payment to the invoice, and matched them.

To apply A/P transactions:

  1. Go to Reports > Saved Searches > FR Vendors to Match.

  2. Click Go next to the customer name where the transactions that you want to match belong.

  3. Click Match next to the transaction you want to match.

  4. On the Bill Payment page:

    1. Verify that the A/P Account field is filled and that the selected account is correct.

    2. Go to Apply subtab.

  5. Check the bills that you want to link to the bill payment.

  6. Click Save.

    By saving the bill payment record, you have applied the payment to the bill or bills, and matched them.

General Notices