France Financial Reports

The France Localization SuiteApp provides three kinds of financial reports:

France Saved Reports

The following financial saved reports have been customized to suit the business requirements in France:


To obtain a financial report that complies with the French accounting laws, you must assign a France-compliant layout, and adjust the column properties of these reports. For more information, see Getting a France Financial Report Layout.

  • FR Balance générale (Trial Balance)

    Shows the balances of each account from the beginning of the Fiscal Year to the selected period. This report considers dynamic closing, that is, Profit and Loss accounts are reset to zero and the amounts are transferred to retained earnings at the beginning of the Fiscal Year.

  • FR Balance Auxiliaire (Entity Trial Balance)

    Shows the balances of Accounts Payables and Accounts Receivables from the beginning of the Fiscal Year to the selected period.

  • FR Compte de résultat (Income Statement)

    Shows the Income Statement of the selected period.

  • FR Compte de résultat Détails (Income Statement Details)

    Shows the Income Statement of the selected period. It can be drilled down to transaction level.

  • FR Compte de résultat comparatif (Comparative Income Statement)

    Shows the Income Statement from the beginning of the Fiscal Year to the selected period and compared to the Last Fiscal Year to Period.

  • FR Compte de résultat – écritures validées (Income Statement – validated)

    Shows the Income Statement of the selected period. It includes only validated transactions.

  • FR Compte de résultat Détails – écritures validées (Income Statement Details – validated)

    Shows the Income Statement of the selected period and drills down to transaction level. It includes only validated transactions.

  • FR Compte de résultat comparatif – écritures validées (Comparative Income Statement – validated)

    Shows the Income Statement from the beginning of the Fiscal Year to the selected period and compared to the Last Fiscal Year to period. It includes only validated transactions.

  • FR Grand Livre (General Ledger)

    Shows the list of all the GL impacts of the selected period grouped by account.

  • FR Grand Livre Clients (Customer General Ledger)

    Shows the list of all the GL impacts on Accounts Receivables of the selected period grouped by customer and account.

  • FR Grand Livre Clients non lettrés (Customer General Ledger unapplied)

    Shows the list of all the GL impacts of unapplied or partially applied transactions on Accounts Receivables of the selected period grouped by customer and account.

  • FR Grand Livre – écritures validées (General Ledger – validated)

    This validated version shows the list of all the GL impacts of the selected period grouped by account.

  • FR Grand Livre Fournisseurs (Vendor General Ledger)

    Shows the list of all the GL impacts on Accounts Payables of the selected period grouped by vendor and account.

  • FR Grand Livre Fournisseurs non lettrés (Vendor General Ledger unapplied)

    Shows the list of all the GL impacts of unapplied or partially applied transactions on Accounts Payables of the selected period grouped by vendor and account.

  • FR Livre-journal (GL Transactions List)

    Shows the list of all the GL impacts grouped by transaction and sorted by date. It is also possible to filter by transaction type.

  • FR Livre-journal – écritures validées (GL Transactions List – validated)

    Shows the list of all the GL impacts grouped by transaction and sorted by date. It includes only validated transactions. It is also possible to filter by transaction type.

Validated reports (écritures validées) display only those transactions that bear a GL number and are locked. Assigning a GL number and locking indicate that the transaction is validated, which is necessary in generating the Fichier d'Ecritures Comptables.

France Reports in Country-Specific Reports Framework

The France Localization SuiteApp provides the following France-Specific Reports, which were built using the Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp:

  • France Balance Sheet (CEFRA format)

  • France Income Statement (CEFRA format)

  • France Soldes intermédiaires de gestion (SIG)


To use the France-Specific Reports, you must install the Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp. Check the status of the Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp components on the France Localization Overview page at Setup > France Localization > France Localization Overview. Update the France Localization SuiteApp as required. Updating will not delete your data. For more information, see Management of France Localization Components.

To view these reports, go to Reports > France Reports > Country-Specific Reports. You can also view the reports from the France Localization Overview page. To view the reports in PDF, you must have the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature enabled. For more information, see Enabling Required Features for the Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp.

For information about the account sources of the reports’ fields, see France Reports (CSR) Details.

These reports are locked. If you want to change a specification of the report, for example, to make it suitable to your company requirements, you can create a copy of the report. For more information, see Modifying France Reports (Country-Specific Reports).

France Lettrage Reports

The France Localization SuiteApp also provides reports to help with Accounts Payables (A/P) and Accounts Receivables (A/R) reconciliation. These reports are based on the transactions application feature (for example, when a payment is applied to an invoice), and will show some calculated values such as a numeric matching code, or a matching status.

You can access the following reports at Lists > Searches > Saved Searches:


As a best practice, add these saved searches to the dashboard as portlets. For more information, see Displaying Saved Search Results in Dashboard Portlets.

  • FR GL Lettrés Fournisseur (Matched Transactions for A/P Accounts)

    Shows a list of transactions that are matched fully or partially, and which the links can be identified by a numeric code.

  • FR GL Non Lettrés Fournisseur (Unmatched Transactions for A/P Accounts)

    Shows a list of transactions that are partially matched or unmatched whose possible applying transactions can be identified and accessed to do the application.

  • FR Fournisseurs à lettrer (Vendors to Match)

    Shows a list of vendors with debiting and crediting unmatched transaction that can be matched from where the user is able to access the Unmatched Transactions for A/P Accounts report.

  • FR GL Lettrés Client (Matched Transactions for A/R Accounts)

    Shows a list of transactions that are fully or partially matched, and which links can be identified by a numeric code.

  • FR GL Non Lettrés Client (Unmatched Transactions for A/R Accounts)

    Shows a list of transactions that are partially matched or unmatched whose possible applying transactions can be identified and accessed to to the application.

  • FR Clients à lettrer (Customers to Match)

    Shows a list of customers with debiting and crediting unmatched transactions that can be matched from where the user is able to access the Unmatched Transactions for A/R Accounts report.

As these reports are based on the transactions application feature, the result of the saved searches are affected by how a transaction (for example, a Payment) has been applied to another transaction (for example, a Bill). For more information, see Best Practice for Applying Transactions for Lettrage.

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