Standard Philippines Forms and PDF/HTML Templates

The Philippines Localization SuiteApp comes with the following standard forms for system-generated format:

Custom forms should use corresponding Philippines PDF/HTML templates. To customize the forms, go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.

The Philippines Localization SuiteApp also includes PDF/HTML templates and pre-printed templates. Each Philippines document type has a corresponding PDF/HTML template and pre-printed template. The PDF/HTML template is used for system-generated transactions. The pre-printed template can be used by users without Computerized Accounting System (CAS) or using loose-leaf forms. You can customize pre-printed templates.

All templates are pre-formatted to comply with tax regulations and requirements of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) for transaction documents to be used by VAT-registered payers. The templates can be found from Customization > Forms > Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.

The following table provides details of transactions types, standard Philippines forms, document types, PDF/HTML templates, and their use.

Type of Transaction

Transaction Form Type

Philippines Document Type

Standard Philippines Form

Template Name

Use Template With

Sale of Goods


Sales Invoice

Standard PHL Sales Invoice

Standard PHL Sales Invoice PDF/HTML Template


Standard Pre-printed PHL Sales Invoice PDF/HTML Template



Collection Receipt

Standard PHL Collection Receipt

Standard PHL Collection Receipt PDF/HTML Template


Standard Pre-printed PHL Collection Receipt PDF/HTML Template


Sale of Services


Billing Statement

Standard PHL Billing Statement

Standard PHL Billing Statement PDF/HTML Template


Standard Pre-printed PHL Billing Statement PDF/HTML Template



Official Receipt

Standard PHL Official Receipt

Standard PHL Official Receipt PDF/HTML Template


Standard Pre-printed PHL Official Receipt PDF/HTML Template


Sale of Goods and Services

Credit Memo

Credit Memo

Standard PHL Credit Memo

Standard PHL Credit Memo PDF/HTML Template


Standard Pre-Printed PHL Credit Memo PDF/HTML Template


General Notices