Portugal QR Code

The Portugal Tax and Customs Authority requires a two-dimensional bar code (QR code) on invoices and relevant tax documents. Including the QR code is a legal requirement stipulated in Portaria n. 195/2020, as a measure to combat fraud and tax evasion.

The Portugal Localization SuiteApp generates and displays the QR code on printed invoices, sales orders, cash sales, cash refunds, item fulfillments, credit memos, and payments that are classified under a Portugal subsidiary, or have a Portugal customer.

This QR code generated by the Portugal Localization SuiteApp consists of the following message:


For transactions belonging to non-EUR subsidiaries, the values in the QR Code fields I2-I8, J1-J8, K1-K8, L, N, and O are sourced from the certification accounting book assigned to that subsidiary. For more information, see Assignment of Certification Accounting Books.

QR Code Field



Your company TIN, as entered on the Company Information page, without the country prefix.


Customer’s TIN

If the customer type is Individual, this field displays 9s.

If the customer type is Company, this field displays the TIN, as entered on the Financial subtab of the customer record.


Country ISO code of the customer, as indicated in the Billing Address field.


Document type shown as two-letter abbreviations:

  • FT – Invoice

  • NC – Credit Memo

  • NC – Cash Refund

  • FR – Cash Sale


    For transactions dated before January 1, 2022, Cash Sale is represented as VD.

  • PT – Item Fulfillment, Sales Order, Customer Payment


Document status shown as one-letter abbreviations:

  • N – Normal

  • S – Self-billing

  • A – Canceled

  • R – Summary Document of other documents created in other applications and generated in NetSuite,

  • F – Billed


Document date in the format YYYYMMDD.


Portugal Transaction ID as displayed on the Portugal Transaction subtab. For more information, see Certification Data on the Portugal Transaction Subtab.



  • For transactions dated before January 1, 2022, this value is 0.

  • For transactions with an attached document series identifier, and without a validation code, this value is 0 - Sequence number of the transaction within document series.

  • For transactions with an attached document series identifier, and with a validation code, this value is Validation Code - Sequence number of the transaction within document series.

For more information, see ATCUD Structure in Portugal Transactions and Printed Documents


Fiscal area

This field derives its value from the Portugal Fiscal Space field on a tax code record with a Portugal nexus. For more information about the list of Portugal and non-Portugal fiscal space codes, see Portugal Tax Code Properties and Fiscal Space.

If there are no tax codes used in the transactions, this field displays 0.


Total taxable amount exempt from VAT (including taxable transactions in the Stamp Duty headquarters, exempt or not from Stamp Duty).


Total taxable amount subject to the reduced VAT rate. If there are no items applied with a reduced rate, this field is excluded in the QR code.


Total VAT value in the transaction at a reduced rate, including a discount, if applicable.


Total taxable amount subject to the intermediate rate of VAT.

If there are no items applied with an intermediate rate, this field is excluded in the QR code.


Total VAT value in the transaction at an intermediate rate, including discount, if applicable.


Total taxable amount subject to the normal VAT rate.

If there are no items applied with a normal rate, this field is excluded in the QR code.


Total VAT value in the transaction at the normal rate, including discount if applicable.

J1-J8, K1-K8

These fields display the data as described in the I1-I8 rows, with each letter (J or K) representing the tax-related values of one fiscal space.


The maximum amount of fiscal spaces per one QR code is three. Having more than three fiscal spaces results in an incomplete QR code. If your sales transactions involve only one fiscal space, only I1-I8 fields are included.

The order in which the fiscal spaces are listed in the QR code fields is the following:

  1. Portugal fiscal spaces

  2. European fiscal spaces

  3. Non-European fiscal spaces


Total amount related to operations that are not subject to VAT.


Total amount of taxes.


Total transaction amount with taxes.


Hash characters of the transaction’s digital signature on the Portugal Transaction subtab. The hash contains four characters derived from the 1st, 11th, 21st, and 31st characters of the digital signature.


Certification number assigned to NetSuite by the general directorate of taxes in Portugal (DGCI): 1691 for OneWorld accounts.


Non-OneWorld NetSuite accounts are not supported by this SuiteApp.


To ensure that the QR code contains the correct VAT amounts and grouping, you must set the correct property to a Portugal tax code. For more information, see Setting Portugal Tax Code Information.

General Notices