Removal of Some Connect Tables and Columns

The following table shows some tables and columns that have been removed from the Connect Schema, and the tables and columns that you can use instead.

Release of Removal

Removed Table or Column

Alternative Table or Column


Table name: notes_system

Table name: system_notes


Table name: notes_system_custom

Table name: system_notes_custom


Password custom fields have been removed. Password custom fields are fields that are created using the Password field type.

For more information about custom field types, see Field Type Descriptions for Custom Fields.

There are no alternative fields available.


Column name: date_last_modified

Available in transaction_lines table

Column name: date_last_modified_gmt

Available in transaction_lines table

The date_last_modified_gmt column returns results in the Coordinated Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time). You should consider the time zone when you review your queries and make any adjustments as needed.

These fields and tables should have been removed from all Connect queries. If you have not removed them, queries may return inaccurate results or may not work.

For more information about the tables available in the Connect Schema, see Connect Schema.

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General Notices