Performance Management — Goals Dataset

This dataset combines fields from the Goal and Employee record types so that you can view a summary of employees’ goals. This dataset is one of the two sources of data for the Performance Management — Goals and Reviews Workbook.

Dataset Configuration

The Performance Management — Goals dataset combines fields from the Goal and Employee record types. To edit the dataset, see Defining a Dataset.

Root Record Type

Joined Record Type

Custom Formula Fields

Data Grid

Criteria Filters



The following custom formula fields are included in the dataset:

  • Days Overdue — Shows the number of days a goal is overdue to start by the start date or overdue to close by the target date.

  • Modified in Last 30 Days — Only shows goals that have been modified in 30 days or less.

  • Overdue Type — Shows if the employee is late to start a goal, late to close a goal, or if the goal is not overdue.

  • Recent Goals — Only shows goals that are not closed and goals that have been closed in 90 days or less.

  • Status Type — Shows if the goal is planned, in progress, completed, not completed, or cancelled.

The following record fields are included in the dataset:


  • Actual

  • Closed Date

  • Employee

  • Internal ID

  • Name

  • Performance Metric

  • Progress (%)

  • Start Date

  • Target

  • Target Completion Date


  • Department

  • Supervisor


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