Performance Management — Reviews Dataset

This dataset combines fields from Performance Review and Employee record types so that you can view a summary of employees’ performance reviews. This dataset is one of the two sources of data for the Performance Management — Goals and Reviews Workbook.

Dataset Configuration

The Performance Management — Reviews dataset combines fields from five record types. To edit the dataset, see Defining a Dataset.

Root Record Type

Joined Record Types

Custom Formula Fields

Data Grid

Criteria Filters

Performance Review


Employee Overall Rating


Reviewer Overall Rating

The following custom formula fields are included in the dataset:

  • Author (Employee or Reviewer) — Shows if the answer was written by the employee or the reviewer.

  • Characters per Answer — Shows the average number of characters the employee or reviewer wrote for their performance review answers.

  • Days Overdue — Shows the number of days a performance review is overdue.

  • Overall Rating Difference — Shows the numerical difference between the reviewer’s overall rating value and the employee’s overall rating value.

  • Overdue Type — Shows if the employee’s self review is overdue, the performance review is overdue, the employee’s acknowledgment is overdue by more than 30 days, or the review is not overdue.

The following record fields are included in the dataset:

Performance Review:

  • Employee

  • Employee Due Date

  • Employee Submitted Date

  • Internal ID

  • Name

  • Performance Review Template

  • Review Completion Date

  • Review Due Date

  • Review Period End

  • Review Period Start

  • Review Status

  • Reviewer

  • Reviewer Submitted Date


  • Department

Employee Overall Rating:

  • Name

  • Value


  • Question

Reviewer Overall Rating:

  • Name

  • Value


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