Performance Review Saved Searches

The following saved searches for performance reviews are provided for you in your account.

Saved Search


Information Included

Cycle Overview

Displays an overview of the performance review cycle so that you can make sure reviews are being completed on time.

  • Performance review statuses

  • Employee due dates and reviewer due dates

  • If the review is overdue, number of days it is overdue

  • The rating that the reviewer gave to the employee

Employee Performance History

Displays a specific employee’s performance history.

  • Review period end date

  • Name of the performance review

  • Reviewer and the value of the rating that they gave to the employee

  • Employee’s acknowledgment

Rating Distribution

Displays the performance review rating distribution by percentage so that you can see trends in employee ratings across your organization.

  • Performance review template

  • Review period end date

  • Reviewer rating and the value of that rating

  • Rating distribution

To view a performance review saved search:

  1. Go to Setup > Performance Management > Performance Reviews.

  2. From the View list, select the saved search you want to view.

  3. (Optional) To filter the results, expand the Filters section.

  4. (Optional) To export the results of the saved search, do any of the following:

    • To export the results in CSV format, click the Export – CSV icon.

    • To export the results in Microsoft Excel format, click the Export – Microsoft Excel icon.

    • To export the results in PDF format, click the Export – PDF icon.

    • To export the results in Tableau Workbook format, click the Export – Tableau Workbook icon.

  5. (Optional) To print the results of the saved search, click the print icon.

  6. (Optional) To customize the criteria and results for this saved search, click Customize View. For more information about customizing saved searches, see Defining a Saved Search.

Creating a Performance Review Saved Search

You can create a saved search based on the performance review record.

To create a performance review saved search:

  1. Go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New.

  2. From the list of search types, select Performance Review.

  3. In the Search Title field, enter a title for the saved search.

  4. Define the criteria, results, and other parameters for the search. For more information about defining saved searches, see Defining a Saved Search.

  5. When you are finished, click Save.

General Notices